For only the second time in the history of the Jewish state, (the first time was in the final days of the Obama Administration), the United States refused to use its veto power in the United Nations and thus allowed passage of resolution favorable to the terrorists of Hamas. Steve Green thinks the country should put itself on its own watch list of states that support terrorist activities.  

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Daniel Cutshall
April 1, 2024 12:48 PM

Treason, might be the word Bill was looking for early on!

Ken Miller
March 31, 2024 8:04 AM

There’s no disgrace at the UN. The UN IS the disgrace.

Susan Fitzgerald
March 31, 2024 6:05 AM

I watched a really good interview on with Marissa Streit and an Arab Palestinian who grew up in Gaza and moved to Israel and converted to Judaism. According to him, there are no civilians in Gaza. The parents of Palestinian children are proud when they hurt or kill Jews. Palestinians are brought up to hate Jews and will sacrifice their own if it kills more Jews.

You can watch it here:

I believe Netanyahu is doing the right thing and hope he doesn’t stop until Hamas is eliminated.

Bart Lago
March 30, 2024 10:06 PM
Jim Carroll
March 30, 2024 10:01 AM

To paraphrase FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin: The country I grew up in would INVADE the country I live in now.

Cathy Shepherd
March 30, 2024 7:46 AM

I read the other day that, prior to going into Rafah, the IDF is providing 40,000 tents to the civilians of Rafah to help them evacuate and have shelter. Tell me, what enemy in any war has done that? Israel has provided warnings to civilians in Gaza of impending attacks by dropping warning leaflets over the area to be bombed. I will always stand with Israel against the inhuman, and inhumane, beasts who want to eradicate them.

Reply to  Cathy Shepherd
March 30, 2024 8:58 AM

The Gazans should be on their knees thanking Allah that it’s the Israelis attacking them. The Israelis, largely due to the criticism they receive because they’re Jews and Jews are held to a different standard than everyone else, take far more care to prevent as many civilian casualties as is humanly and humanely possible. No other nation does this. We in the West come in a distant second behind the Israelis in this sort of thing. In the West we simply shrug off civilian casualties as regrettable but unavoidable “collateral damage”. If civilians find themselves between our forces and a… Read more »

Karl Schweitzer
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
April 1, 2024 7:30 PM

There are also the multitude of examples people have brought up of Arabs killing their fellow Arabs… Jordon of course, Iraq (though some of that will be Kurdish) and of course the war between Iraq and Iran was so very very within the bounds of clean warfare. The fact that most of the warlike Arab are killing in the name of Allah I think is part of the savagery. We try to fight with humanity, they are fighting for a ticket to heaven. The people in Gaza are not fighting for land like the Native Americans did, or even for… Read more »

March 30, 2024 4:34 AM

The Left tries to paint the Right as having the same political motivations as the Left does. The Left panders and caters and caves to their fringe extreme to get votes, they think we do the same thing too. The nation is so evenly divided in ideology that the fringe is where the new votes that can be gotten are. This is how they justify to themselves portraying us all as Neo-Nazi Ku Klux Klansmen who want to burn books and drive children to suicide. They’re projecting their values onto us. The problem is that too often they’re right in… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by ACTS (TM)
George Walther
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
March 31, 2024 5:56 AM

You might lose a battle but you will never win a surrender.”
Another one of those oh-so-obvious comments, that none the less deserve much wider and louder repetition and dissemination than that sentiment seems to have.

Amazing how many simple ideas and things we forget and really need reminding of.[assuming we ever learned or were taught those ideas to begin with.]

Reply to  George Walther
March 31, 2024 5:01 PM

Well … While I certainly get your point, I haven’t forgotten all those basic, simple lessons that I’ve learned over the years. Though I do feel sometimes like I’m being forced to function as memory storage for several generations that learned these things and have forgotten them or should have learned them and never did. I don’t see them as trite, I see them as being every bit as relevant now as they’ve ever been. There might not be a lot of knowledge (information) in all of those pithy old adages you see me often spouting, but there’s a hell… Read more »