It’s an ongoing trope of the Left to wail that greedy corporate billionaires do nothing but buy expensive gifts for themselves… like DOCTORS. Scott Ott has the story of a billion-dollar donation to provide a free medical education to needy applicants at arguably the best medical school in the world: Johns Hopkins University. Selfish bastard!

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Phil Leith
July 25, 2024 4:55 AM

“What do you do for a living?” Probably works, in general. But a little anecdote here (and I suppose this did require entrepreneurship) we had a couple college kids living next to us for a year or so and they both drove $40K cars. I just thought they were from rich families in St. Louis. And that might be true, too. But when they moved out, and I saw the hydroponic equipment on the curb for the trash, I thought “I don’t think they were growing tomatoes”. A bunch of details from the time they moved in started to make… Read more »

Rick Notkin
July 24, 2024 7:26 PM

Bloomberg is a hypocritical POS. Spends billions on gun control / anti-Rights groups (pocket change for him) while traveling with armed ex-NYC cops for security.

Is his waning days as Hizzoner, he spend at least half of each week in Bermuda. Guns are basically verboten there—except for Mike’s team.

If he offered me $1,000,000 tax- free, I’d tell him to F off.

At least he earned his money honestly.

Johns Hopkins is now left wing, as far as firearm issues research go.

Last edited 5 months ago by Rick Notkin
July 24, 2024 7:18 AM

Perfect, thank you guys! I think this 18-1/2 minute segment is exactly the succinct message socialist-minded types would be well-served by. The prevailing thought that billionaires are inherently immoral needs to be challenged by these easy-to-see precepts.

July 22, 2024 10:07 AM

This is one of the things I really like here at This is a fair assessment of an event where a rich man did something good that he didn’t have to do. No one is saying there’s anything altruistic about Michael Bloomberg, no one is saying that this one mega-donation clears the slate on anything negative Bloomberg may have done. No one is even saying that Michael Bloomberg is a “good person”, whatever the hell that means these days. No matter how you look at it, donating a billion dollars to make medical school available to the deserving but… Read more »

David Pimentel
July 22, 2024 7:31 AM

I think that all three of you ascribe too much altruism to Michael Bloomberg. Money is his means of power asserted over others. The “gift” he grants to himself is the power. In that, he is no different from any other tyrant of human history.

David Pimentel
July 22, 2024 6:51 AM

Romney did not respond to his questioners and accusers about his money, because he is a weak man — like the ones about whom we were repeatedly warned:

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” — Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

“History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up.” — Voltaire

The trend that We The People continue to select such sniveling leaches for lofty positions of power is a sad commentary upon our collective weaknesses.

David Pimentel
July 22, 2024 5:50 AM

Taxation of endowments at 100% because they are not spent the way you think they should be, Steve? Are you kidding? So much for your claims of conservatism and limited government. By the way, who says that those donations aren’t spent as they were intended by the donor(s)?


After all, aren’t endowments just a means to get Johnny and Karen Jr. admitted to a school for which they do not qualify?

Ron Swansons Alter Ego
Reply to  David Pimentel
July 22, 2024 10:07 AM

Since most universities are considered to be Non-Profits then, yes, the tax code should enforce whether they are acting like a non-profit. All charitable and not-for-profit organizations have restrictions upon which the donations can be spent.

The scandal many years ago with The United Way was just the largest example. Some ridiculous percentage of donations went to the people running the organization.

Universities should be held to the standards that exist already.

David Pimentel
Reply to  Ron Swansons Alter Ego
July 22, 2024 10:35 AM

Obviously, I did not consider, and I was, in fact, ignorant of the non-profit status. I’ve never donated to a university or college, including my own alma mater, so I had no reason to know this. In fact, considering how much I have paid to post-secondary schools for my four adult kids, it is natural to assume that the universities are FOR profit organizations. Thieves! BAH!

Last edited 5 months ago by David Pimentel
Ron Swansons Alter Ego
Reply to  David Pimentel
July 22, 2024 11:08 AM

Most people are surprised by this. I go crazy every time budgeting comes up to the state universities. Why should any current tax $$ in our state go to state colleges who have large endowments. As just one example, UVa gets 250million in state funding with a 13Billion $ endowment.

Keith Jackson
July 22, 2024 5:28 AM

BTW, if the model wearing that lab coat worked at any hospital I used he would be told to wash up and given something professional to wear.
I hope.

Ron Swansons Alter Ego
Reply to  Keith Jackson
July 22, 2024 10:08 AM

Yea, thought that was an odd choice for the image.

John Sullivan
Reply to  Keith Jackson
July 23, 2024 12:32 PM

The bum look is cool among artistic types.

Keith Jackson
July 21, 2024 7:09 PM

It is totally ridiculous how expensive it is to go to medical school. Not only in $$$ but in time spent in training. This is awesome. Smart people weigh pluses and minuses and won’t go to pursue a medical degree if they are intelligent. With a free ride, the optics change. Indians and Pakistanis have learned this is too expensive and are going into tech degrees. I will say that Johns Hopkins is right up there with Emory as the most ridiculously Woke places on earth. So indoctrination is guaranteed. But heck, at least we’ll actually have doctors, something I… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Keith Jackson