You can’t call Kamala Harris a windbag: a ‘windbag’ is someone who uses too many words to SAY SOMETHING. Never in the history of American Politics — which has had a windfall of windbags — has any one person spoken so much and said so little.
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Great party game: divide into teams and produce a Kamala-style word salad, then vote for best creation.
Coupmala actually somehow makes Biden* look intelligent by comparison. And Tampon Timmy makes her look smart by comparison. Let that sink in.
Remember the good ol’ days when Lefties laughed about how dumb Dubya and Sarah Palin were? Good times!
The reason Kamala is the candidate for the “Lames” is her vocal affectation. Standing on a stage emoting is the best way to appeal to all of the “Joan of Arcs”. “J of As” are usually white females who are entirely bought in to the victim/oppressor narrative, always identify with the losers, no matter how idiotic their story may be. Hamas invades a country, rapes women to death, burns babies, kills randomly – all of which they celebrate on videos taken with their phones while chanting Allah Akbar (god is good) – and those unfortunate Palestinians are the victims in… Read more »
Yes, for Vocal Fry – this is my go to “coach” OK YouTube channel. about 3min in but he goes into each technique in other vids. The subharmonic stuff is crazy.
Love this guys voice and vids.
Thank you Steve.
i also cannot stand the sound of the woman’s voice.
it is worse than Freddy Krueger on a chalk board.
There’s a thing called “vocal fry”. It’s an affectation and she uses it to ridiculous excess. You can occasionally hear her normal speaking voice which is bad enough, but when she kicks in the vocal fry it’s an auditory horror show. To me she sounds like she’s always just on the verge of breaking down and sobbing. Which is most definitely intentionally manipulative and there’s probably something Freudian about that too …
It’s even worse on decent audio gear. I can’t stand her voice either.
OH, yea. I can appreciate vocal fry when it is used sparingly in singing for effect.
But in regular speech, ugh!
It is one of the worst affectations. Right up there with that silly “north atlantic’ movie accent from the 40s and 50s.
When she slips into difference accents on top of it.
I don’t think this woman knows who she is at this point she has been playing a role IRL for decades.
She has no grounding and no moral compass.
Which makes her an almost perfect D candidate.
So horribly true, that. The Democrat Party has driven away or smothered every other sort of candidate. All the potentially “good” ones have either fled to another party or given up entirely. There’s no one but the truly awful left on the Left.
When you dump the apple barrel, Kamalameleon and ‘Tater Head Joe are what sticks to the bottom.
This election should not be close at all. With a neutral MSM this is 47 states to 3.
She is a worse candidate than H. Clinton yet it will be close.
I have yet to have anyone tell me why they are voting FOR der Kammissar rather than voting against Trump.
Just our bad luck that at this critical juncture we have a proven performer for a candidate but he also happens to be such an unlikeable SOB that people will vote just to vote against him. I’m not saying I don’t like him, I think he’s kind of a dick personality-wise (see the debate with Kamalameleon) but I can live with that all else being equal. He’s made himself unlikeable enough to give our foes ammunition. They’d hate and make up nonsense about anyone the Republicans ran but in Trump’s case at least some of what they say is true.… Read more »
I’ve heard reasons other than hating Trump for voting for Harris. However, all those reasons are lies.
IE: He wants to enact a national law prohibiting abortion and IVF, he’ll cause a bloodbath, he will be a dictator; literally Hitler, etc. You know. Things the MSM and others say.
But, Harry. All of those are still reasons to vote against Trump. They are not policy positions that people give to vote FOR Harris.
Nobody is saying “well I like her policy on . . .” because she doesn’t have any positions.
What are her positions on “border security and illegal immigration (not the same thing)” “tax rates and tax revenue (again not the same thing)” “Middle East Peace (what would she like to see and work towards)”
Nobody favors her policy as she has none. She is just not Trump.
Good point. My point is not hating Trump for personality. I cited policy falsehoods. And Kamala does have one policy she has mentioned and not flip flopped on.
Abortion.Pretty much whenever, wherever, why ever or how ever, enacted nationally. Which, given the 10th amendment and abortion (and even any health care) not specifically mentioned it goes to the states, or the people (amendment). That also includes restrictions as well. An amendment either way will never fly. I am thinking of a workaround. Have to do research to see if possible.
Deep Thought you say? Maybe she had “42” on her mind … wonder if she too has an affinity for cigars in odd places, or a soiled blue pants suit in need of cleaning. Either way, I want no part of that action.
Somebody needs to invent a Harris decoder ring, where every utterance is decoded as “I am an idiot.”
Here’s another trick from CBS News. Some months ago when Trump announced he would eliminate taxes on tips, CBS opined that it was a terrible idea because it would cost the government $250 bullion in lost tax revenue. Recently when Harris promised the same thing, CBS now considers it a great idea.
Yeah, well … I think we’re well past the point where anyone has any doubt about the lack of media objectivity.
What I’d like to know is where does that cross the line into ‘in kind’ campaign contributions that need to be declared and presumably regulated? There’s billions of dollars in free promotional air time going to one political party, that’s an in kind contribution if ever there was one.
Speaking of birthday cards, I was reminded of one that I received from my mother who had a great sense of humor when I turned 21. It read on the front: “This card asks the magical question: if a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half”…then when you open it up it says…”How long does it take for a grasshopper to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle!”
What a wonderful household to grow up in during the ’60s and early ’70s!
After listening to Bill, I think he has been moonlighting as the speech writer for Kamala.
He did nail her style really good, didn’t he?
They should post that as a YouTube short. It’s perfect for that format and it would serve to highlight the nonsensical way Kamalameleon speaks.
She either speaks that way because she’s too stupid to know she’s doing it or because she thinks we’re all too stupid to notice she’s doing it. I’m sure either way it works just fine on the Trump Derangement Syndrome afflicted low-info voters that are her base.
Close. Don’t you remember Steve’s mantra? “Embrace the healing power of ‘and'”.🤔
“she’s too stupid to know she’s doing it and she thinks we’re all too stupid to notice she’s doing it.”😏😋
holding two contradictory thoughts at the same time.
non compos mentis
Seems to fit.
Or is it compost mentis🤔😆
Sh*t for brains.