As the Carolinas continue to dig their way out of the wreckage left by Hurricane Helene — with precious little help, and a whole lot of red-tape on the part of the Federal Government, we might add — Steve Green asks if the Old Man on the Beach is too busy to put down his ice cream cone while the incumbent running as the challenger is, as usual, completely unwilling and unable to take action. 

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Rick Notkin
October 4, 2024 2:33 PM

Hey guys. I am a paid supporter of BW and, in addition to the 2 ads at the beginning, there was an ad in the middle. What gives?

Reply to  Rick Notkin
October 8, 2024 10:29 AM

You probably have an adware/malware infection on your device. I’m not blocking any ads or scripts at all on this website and I’m not seeing any ads at all either. Which means this site, or Rumble or whatever, isn’t serving the ads you’re seeing.

Donald Lehoux
October 4, 2024 11:08 AM

have you 3 been bought off or did you miss the Lithium mine that Elon has already bought interests in that I saw on the Internet?

Reply to  Donald Lehoux
October 8, 2024 10:03 AM

Did you “see that on the internet” the same place where you saw that the Earth is a flat disk unlike any other large body in the observable universe? Or was that from a different absurd site?

For you it’s clear that anything you see on the internet that you want to be true, is immutable gospel-grade truth. Anything you see on the internet that you don’t want to be true is utter falsehood. Which is a pretty good trick when it comes to defining realty. The problem is that particular ‘reality’ exists only between your ears.

Judie Adey
October 4, 2024 10:52 AM

There have also been some very troubling reports about authorities threatening to arrest normal citizens who brought in aid, tried to use their own helicopters to rescue people from inaccessible places, etc. FEMA spent all of their funds on illegals and the rescue efforts have all been left to private organizations and individuals and then the authorities threaten to arrest people who try to help and turn away supplies that get brought in. UNACCEPTABLE!!

Dan B
October 4, 2024 8:12 AM

Seven-minute point ads have turned me off. See ya later.

Oh, you have the Marines, XVIII Abn Corps (incl. the 82nd at Bragg/Liberty and 101st at Campbell), a whole bunch of Nat’l guard and Reserve helo units.

Plus you have active and reserve component Army Combat Engineers, USAF Red Horse, and Navy Seabees all organizations with histories of creating airfields and camps out of nothing. I think all of them would rather be helping in the disaster areas.

Michael Teutsch
Reply to  Dan B
October 4, 2024 10:45 AM

Do you have an ad blocker? I never get any ads, even on screwtube. Get a damn ad blocker.

David Pimentel
Reply to  Dan B
October 4, 2024 1:04 PM

Really? Do you think that these three gentlemen have any control over what rumble does with inserting its stupid ads into the videos? It’s no different than YouTube inserting ads into the videos. Odds are Rumble doesn’t even pay Bill Whittle and company anything for the ads it shows during their content. It is almost certain that none of us, including Bill Whittle and company, are paying Rumble for hosting these videos on their servers. Grow up!

Last edited 4 months ago by David Pimentel
Brother Bob
Reply to  Dan B
October 4, 2024 2:23 PM

Any good ad blocker will fix that. My Brave browser’s current count is over 1.1 million ads blocked

Reply to  Brother Bob
October 8, 2024 10:09 AM

Dan isn’t the only one who’s begun complaining about ads. I use ad blockers, script blockers and some other things but I don’t use any of them here on I don’t need to, here behind the paywall there are no intrusive ads on anything. Including the Rumble and YouTube linked videos. It’s part of the reason I watch them here instead of there. I can block ads there if I want, I don’t even need to turn that stuff on here. I’m thinking there’s some nasty adware/malware going around that is infecting the devices of the people making those… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by ACTS (TM)
Road Rider
Reply to  Brother Bob
October 8, 2024 5:14 PM

I use Brave too and rarely see adds

Brother Bob
Reply to  Road Rider
October 10, 2024 6:19 PM

Same here – over 1M ads blocked since I got this laptop two summers ago

October 4, 2024 6:44 AM

In the video, I think it was Steve that mentioned it, it was pointed out that there are military assets that could easily and conveniently be brought to bear on the hurricane Helene disaster. The activation and application of those military assets IS the purview of the President. He’s the Commander in Chief of the military and ONLY he can order those assets into action. Failure to do so is obvious neglect and disdain on the part of Potatohead Joe. Every death that occurs thereby is blood directly on his hands. By the time we are finally rid of his… Read more »

Ticiba Upe
October 4, 2024 6:40 AM

When you have an administration composed of regurgitated Obama incompetents and amateurs, DEI unqualified hires, and social misfits, what would anyone on earth expect from this administration….But, hey….that was the goal…an incompetent administration so that the underling DS can continue with the underlying unelected power….

Ticiba Upe
October 4, 2024 6:33 AM

You need another webmaster.

Rich Ouellette
October 4, 2024 6:33 AM

Biden-Harris administration blasted for running out of money to deal with Hurricane Helene after blowing billions on migrants FEMA doesn’t have enough money to help 150,000 American citizens damaged by Hurricane Helene after blowing more than $1 billion taxpayer dollars on illegal migrants. F’ing brilliant … not. FEMA did just order/get 100,000 new body bags! Gee, way to help out FEMA.

Ticiba Upe
October 4, 2024 6:31 AM

I look forward to finding out from a patent attorney friend whether it is true that the government has the ability to steer hurricanes and whether it is also true that Chimney Rock residents will not be allowed to rebuild…I also look forward to confirming that there are in fact desired lithium deposits in that area….despite it not being listed in another report which I have read….not being listed doesn’t mean that it is not there…. This is the most corrupt government in my lifetime….and I am 80. They need to all be dealt with the way that China and… Read more »

Ticiba Upe
October 4, 2024 6:28 AM

Biden needs to be removed by the 25th….to keep Kamala from distancing herself from this administration, which she is trying hard to do….

Road Rider
Reply to  Ticiba Upe
October 4, 2024 9:18 AM

thought about that same thing this morning on the way to work. I wonder how many of the Biden cabinet will hold over for Kamala? If they were to invoke the 25th, Kamala could be President and would secure her place as the new head of this administration, which has dealt so much pain to the citizens. Why invoke the 25th when they can just ride it out and be installed as the new Harris cabinet. Not like she’s got better ideas for cabinet members….

Reply to  Road Rider
October 8, 2024 10:27 AM

There’s also the problem that if Harris were to supplant Joe in the Oval Office she would be all the more difficult to defeat. Because she would then be the “First Black Woman President of the United States of America” and all the Leftists stops would be pulled out to promote her as such. That wouldn’t be good. For all the low info voters giving them a choice between “mean” Donald Trump and a sitting first black woman POTUS would make it very easy to make the wrong pick based on “feelings”. The Left is horribly good at exploiting “feelings”.… Read more »

Road Rider
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
October 8, 2024 5:12 PM

3 things. before I hit the “read more” link, I had mentally rushed to your hidden 3rd paragraph. I clicked “read more”….and there were my thoughts already typed. my wife and I were discussing this while driving through the Mojave desert this Sunday afternoon. We had hours to kill on the drive to LV, and saw so many Trump/Vance signs along Interstate 5 and through along CA 58, the conversation turned to politics. How can my wife’s older sister be so in love with Kamala and the California democrat party? Can’t she connect dots, doesn’t she watch the news or… Read more »

Reply to  Road Rider
October 9, 2024 5:46 AM

Ah, made that run from LA to LV and back again many, many times. I had a high end state-of-the-art radar and laser detector that now sits in a drawer because they’re not legal in the state where I live. If my mom or sister (or both) were along they always had to stop at Whisky Pete’s just over the border. To use the facilities and to get a soda or something to drink. I remember when Whisky Pete’s was just a little dump of a tourist attraction because it was the first place you could play the slots. There… Read more »