Donald Trump continues to amaze and delight conservatives with his team of Outsiders, all of whom are determined to return the United States government to the people to whom it belongs. But just what makes each of these appointees special? And more importantly, HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO THE SWAMP CREATURES THEY ARE REPLACING? In this first set of head-to-head comparisons, Hot Mic host Bill Whittle drills deep into both of their backgrounds and provides a rock-solid foundation to support the hope that this enormous job of rehabilitation and restoration is actually possible.
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I liked Tulsi up to the point where SHE SAID “I believe in 100% gun registration.” and no one has talked about that ever since.
The news moves fast, we’re already taking casualties, Gaetz is gone , Hegseth is wounded and under fire. It’s going to be a battle all the way.
Tulsi Gabbard has absolutely done some things I disagree with strongly. However, Bill puts the situation in perspective very well here. Every single one of Trump’s picks so far are orders of magnitude better choices for the American people than their counterparts in the Obiden Administrations.
The real trick, the core issue is what Trump lets them do and what of their advice he acts on. That’s where the failure point is.