After two weeks of the left either shaving off their hair or running around with it on fire, a new tide has turned on the shores of TikTok: a tidal wave of joyous, goofy, spontaneous celebrations featuring perhaps the gayest song ever written and the homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, racist, stick-in-the-mud MAGA gang is EATING IT UP!
Listen here on Soundcloud:
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I posted this in the comments on YouTube, but I really wanted to post it here.
A long time ago, Bill did a segment about “branding”, and how much better the Democrats were, compared to the Republicans, with “branding.”
Trump has flipped that. With the red hats, MAGA, YMCA, the Dad Dance, etc., Trump has managed to produce a very strong and recognizable brand that makes the Democrat’s brand pale in comparison. The guy is a genius.
I’ve been mentioning this in comments on various boards, and each time I think back to Bill’s “Office of the President Elect” video. It’s amazing how a party that once completely owned messaging could become so inept and out of touch. It’s gotten so bad where celebrity endorsements used to help the Dem candidate, now all it does is tarnish the celebrity.
As Bill channeled PJ O’Rourke, how the hell can you stand for fast cars, hot babes, and loud guns and lose the messaging? Thankfully this election changed that.
I have to wonder…
In a year or so, when these screaming Mimis find themselves still walking freely about, not having been dragged from there beds at three in the morning to be thrown in the dungeon and fed to the lions, will they begin to wake up? Waddya think?
Short answer? No.
They’re victims of sunk investment. They’ve created this position for themselves and they’ll have to maintain it OR they will have to change their ways. I don’t see them changing their ways except in cases of obvious duplicity like Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.
Either way works out just fine for us.
No. They’ll always find some new grievance to light their own hair on fire over. One thing The Radical Left is skilled at is it’s ability to generate perpetual grievance.
Can’t remember where I heard it, but this:
If the current Democratic party doesn’t have victims and thus grievances, they’d cease to exist.
Or as Rush used to say:
Today’s Democrats have rewritten FDR’s slogan to “The only thing we have to offer is… FEAR ITSELF!”
Maybe should be: The only thing we have to offer is… Whining about grievances.
I like to ask if they remember Jan 20 2021 when Biden opened the camps and let all the gays out?
So the consensus appears to be NO. Brainwashing is very difficult to undo and so I must agree with y’all. There will be a few, but not many. But hope springs eternal. I pray for these poor, deluded people.
I find myself in the company of dyed-in-the-wool libs once a week for a couple of hours as a beginning fiction writer in a writer’s group. (We have weekly “prompts” to use writing poetry, short stories and the like.) This past couple of weeks they’ve found themselves confronted, their lives fraught with peril, the world a detonating bomb because Orange Man Bad is our elected president. “Tough times” they say shaking their heads. A couple Joan-of-Arcs have been physically ill from the election. They walk on thin ice deigning to engage me in conversation, knowing my proclivities – I write… Read more »
Ah, the toothsome treacle tastily dripping sweetly from the sobs of the self traumatized. Don’t forget your Leftist Tears mug, you’ll want to savor every drop.
Wouldn’t the plural be “Joans of Arc”? Sort of like Attorneys General. courts martial, or reaches around?
Or mothers-in-law.
I hope your writings are overflowing with excitement and optimism. To me, I think the government getting out of SpaceX’s way will usher in a world-wide optimism.
Instead of the dystopian future we’ve been feed for decades, we’re going to Mars! A trip to space will soon be the cost of an airplane ticket. Meanwhile, Musk plans Starship production to reach about one ship per eight hours. They are hiring big time to gear up production. Rockets will be an industry! It’s a VERY exciting time.