“I promise to stand by the jury decision” and other tall tales told by Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., arguably the most corrupt President in the history of the United States. Scott Ott brings the receipts.

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December 26, 2024 10:51 AM

Scott makes a strong argument for what pardons were meant for. And the true lack of moral reaction that Biden did to the country and Democrats in general.

Faith Clendenen
December 5, 2024 11:57 AM

The Democrat’s two-tier system started with Andrew Jackson. He set the tone and the Democrats have never given it a second thought.

December 5, 2024 7:28 AM

I think it was Willie who died while Lincoln was in office, Tad was the youngest and was still alive when Lincoln was assassinated.

Thad Balmas
December 4, 2024 2:41 PM

There has to be a limit too protecting your kin, JB overstepped that limit. He will go down as one of the worst POTUS’ in the history of the USA…

Rick Notkin
December 4, 2024 1:36 PM

The blanket pardon for crimes that he “may or may not have committed” is well over the line.

A much more acceptable act would have been to commute the sentence.That would be a loving father helping to keep his son, the most decent person Joe knows, out of prison.

Nelson Guzman
December 4, 2024 8:34 AM

Hey guys. Doesn’t Biden’s pardon clear the way for Trump to leally pardon himself (for say-10 years in the past)?

December 4, 2024 5:47 AM

Yeah, I’d like to see Joe, Hunter and the rest of the Biden Crime Family face the consequences of their corruptions as much as anyone else. I’m not certain that would be good for America but it sure would feel good to see justice served. That’s not going to happen so … I do think this pardon thing is kind of funny. Remember when Hillary Von Skankles said “If Trump wins we’re all going to hang”? SHE knew that she, Bill and a whole lot of Democrats had done a LOT of things that put them in the way of… Read more »

Allen Lawless
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
December 4, 2024 8:23 AM

Word on the street is, Jill and Hunter don’t really get along. In Hunter’s drug-addled mind, she’s the ultimate controlling beyatch and in her egotistic, control-freak mind, Hunter is a constant source of embarrassment to his father. So whatever scheming and plotting that may have happened, Jill weighing in to have Joe do a number of things — endorse Kamalamadingdong, pardon Hunter, in this instance — certainly sounds plausible, but not for the purpose of getting Hunter out of trouble. Nope. When you get right down to it, she can’t stand Hunter if I’m reading the tea leaves correctly. But… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Allen Lawless
Reply to  Allen Lawless
December 4, 2024 8:54 AM

I never said Jill was doing anything but helping Jill so yeah … Pardoning Hunter means he can’t be turned to testify against Joe or Jill. There are more nuances to this than I bothered to write up in my comment, my comments tending to run long as it is.

A plotting, conniving, scheming, manipulative self-serving bitch is all she is.

You’re right.

It’s kind of weird how top Democrats gravitate to that choice of type in spouses too. Moosie is another great example.

Faith Clendenen
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
December 5, 2024 12:12 PM

Hunter can no longer refuse to testify about anything that happened in the last ten years with out risking contempt changes or if he lies, perjury charges. He has no risk of prosecution so can’t try to shelter himself under the 5th Amendment. That said, I doubt much more will happen to any of the Biden family, other than them all receiving pardons from Joe, probably including Jill. And that just might trigger an amendment to make pardons only available to people either charged with or convicted of crimes.

Reply to  Faith Clendenen
December 6, 2024 4:58 AM

That’s true but the testimony of a hostile witness is always difficult and susceptible to suspicion and attack by the defense. While Hunter can be compelled to testify he can’t be compelled to answer truthfully and completely. Or more likely say something like “I’m sorry but I can’t recall …”. It’s not like there’s a magic gotcha switch in any of this. As you appear to have been doing also, I’m wondering who else Joe’s going to pardon. Everyone he pardons is an admission of corruption and crimes. Oh he/they will say it’s because of unjust persecution but then they… Read more »

Thad Balmas
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
December 4, 2024 2:51 PM

I think at this point DJT must get on with running the country and let sleeping dogs lie where they may. Joe will probably be gone in a few years, and may the rest of his family rot in hell with him…

Reply to  Thad Balmas
December 4, 2024 4:01 PM

I’m not talking about Joe. Joe has covered his own ass and it’s unlikely he’s going to face any material consequences. I said that’s not going to happen. He’s old, he’ll die and be gone. Going after him is an exercise in futility. His family is a different matter. They’re still out there committing crimes. Under normal circumstances I’d agree with you even so. I didn’t want Trump to “lock her up” and I said so to anyone who would listen. I wanted Hillary to fade into obscurity with her fangs sunk deep in Slick Willy’s neck. She didn’t do… Read more »

Allen Lawless
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
December 5, 2024 7:45 AM

His family is a different matter. They’re still out there committing crimes.

Dunno about that. Given the amount of heat put on the Biden Crime Family and the fact that Hunter can’t afford to be the Biden bagman any more, my bet is that James, his wife, and whoever else might be involved, have slid back from their criminal activities into their hole — especially with Trump coming on board.

To the rest of your post, I agree.

Reply to  Allen Lawless
December 5, 2024 9:45 AM

Then they should be rooted out of their holes and face the consequences of their crimes. They’re not “political” they are just related to a politician. There’s no reason I can see not to begin deterrence immediately. If politicians want to take the risk of committing crimes involving their families then the family members are fully culpable. They knew what they were doing, and Joe didn’t pardon them. Yet.

Faith Clendenen
Reply to  Allen Lawless
December 5, 2024 12:19 PM

The Biden family no longer has any influence to sell, as far as I can tell being that Joe is out of office. That doesn’t mean their ill-gotten gains shouldn’t be stripped of them if at all possible.

Reply to  Faith Clendenen
December 6, 2024 6:04 AM

Enjoying the ill-gotten fruits of a crime is also a crime. As I explained to Allen above, in case you’re interested.

Reply to  Allen Lawless
December 6, 2024 6:02 AM

Unless they have dumped every bit of money they gained by criminal activity in an incinerator, the crime does not end with the realization of gain and the criminality continues. It’s as illegal to spend the money you got in a bank robbery as it is to rob the bank in the first place. You obtained that money illegally, it’s not yours to spend. Every time you spend a penny earned in corruption by obfuscating the source of that penny you commit a crime under money laundering statutes. You obtained that money illegally too. It could be argued those are… Read more »

December 4, 2024 5:04 AM

Return to normalcy. Preserve democracy. Etc. Joe Biden did exactly what he promised he would as president. IF you go by the radical Far Left Democrat definition of those things. The problem is that the Democrat Left uses its own dictionary. In which it defines words arbitrarily to its own advantage. Words carefully chosen to mean one thing to the vast majority of Americans but can be slyly applied in another manner. For instance “Liberal”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Threat to Democracy” and many others that seem to mean one thing but to the Democrat Left mean something else entirely. “Liberal”… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by ACTS (TM)
Keith Jackson
December 4, 2024 3:42 AM

The whole thing reminds me of Al Capone. Hunter and “The Big Guy” are guilty of such awful things and they go to jail for tax evasion. Using the office of the vice president and, ultimately, the president to extort money is a huge deal that will now go unpunished. The excuse the Dems use is “he’s a loving father” is so mafioso at its core.

Phil LeMay
December 3, 2024 7:56 PM

2014 marks the year that Hunter starred working for Burisma. That is the interval where he began influence peddling for “The Big Guy”. Do the math.

Reply to  Phil LeMay
December 4, 2024 5:22 AM

I would argue that the influence peddling had been going on long before 2014. Biden corruption didn’t start then, it became open and undeniable then. That year was just the point where the Biden Crime Family had been selling themselves for so long they thought they were immune from repercussions and could openly flaunt the law. As it turns out, they were right.

It’s also a point well past the statute of limitations on almost all the crimes they’ve committed so that’s an extra safety bonus.

Faith Clendenen
Reply to  Phil LeMay
December 5, 2024 12:21 PM

And most federal crimes have at most a ten year statute of limitations. They can’t go after stuff older than that. Hillary only really got in the clear in 2023 since she was SOS up to early 2013.