To the unspeakable delight of the Progressive Left, a spear has been thrust deep into the innards of the MAGA coalition, ripping it to shreds well before Donald Trump’s Second Inauguration!

Just kidding. Two groups of adults had a three-day discussion about an issue that needed airing, and both sides have agreed that restoring the intent of the H1B visa, and eliminating the manifest misuse of the program should pretty much do the trick. Sorry to disappoint you AGAIN, Lefties.

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Eric Haglund
January 7, 2025 6:27 AM

As a retired IT pro with 2 engineer sons, I think you missed the boat on this one. I’ve seen thousands of tech jobs outsourced to HCL and Accenture with awful results. Need doctors in rural areas where there are none? Go ahead and use H-1B. Have an honest-to-God shortage of STEM talent? Go ahead and use H-1B. But I stand full throated against using H-1B to traffic cheap workers. America is for Americans, gentlemen. Let’s not be yanking the rug out from underneath our young citizens charting career paths into STEM fields.

Brian Thomson
January 7, 2025 6:05 AM

H1B visas have been used, in the past, to bring in waves of less talented programmers that were much cheaper than hiring US programmers. This is what companies like to do, lower their costs. As a computer programmer with more than 40 years of experience, all the imported developers tend to do is make me look better. Companies whine about what they pay me, but when I solve the problem that their 250 developers created, working on a program for 5 years, they don’t have much of a choice. They either accept their broken system, or pay someone to do… Read more »

Brother Bob
January 6, 2025 8:24 AM

To paraphrase the great Rorschart from “The Watchmen”
and all the whores journalists and politicians will look up and shout ‘THIS WILL DIVIDE AND FINISH THE MAGA MOVEMENT!’…and I’ll look down and whisper ‘No.”

Mike Turner
January 6, 2025 5:19 AM

I posted something of a rebuttal to this R/A segment, and it is sitting in a limbo called “awaiting for approval” while comments posted a day after it have cleared. Why is that?

Reply to  Mike Turner
January 6, 2025 3:31 PM

That happens to me once in a while too. It used to happen a lot more often, it’s fairly rare now. Logging out and logging back in seems to clear it for me.

Mike Turner
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
January 7, 2025 3:06 PM

It looks as though the problem has been resolved and my Jan-04 post/comment is online.

January 5, 2025 11:47 AM

The real issue with the current state of the H1B system is abuse by corporations in the IT space for the last couple decades. There is a specific visa for “exceptional people”, O-1 I believe. And we can even keep H1B, but the issue is that it’s rigged up in such a way that companies in the US swap entire departments with new H1B workers. I would wager that the majority of IT, networking, and project management workers in Fortune 500 companies are now H1B, largely from India. These large corporations can enjoy the fleet of immigration lawyers required that… Read more »

John Smith
January 4, 2025 2:52 PM

In the software industry H-1B resources are virtually all from India. I haver known of a few visa holders from other countries, but it was not H-1B. H-1B is designed not for highly qualified employees. It’s to fill holes where an employer can’t find qualified people. There are qualified people but you can hire an H-1B worker for much less. There are other visas for your Einstein’s and truly exceptional workers. H-1B is for lowering labor cost, not improving quality. India has a vastly different culture. There is prolific sexism (typically Indian men toward Indian women), classism (the caste system… Read more »

Mike Turner
January 4, 2025 10:07 AM

I have been an electrical engineer, working in tech companies for 40 years. I saw this replacement start as far back as the 80’s when I entered the workforce. The discussion/argument over this topic is not over, and Elon Musk has de-checkmarked people who oppose him on this topic and configured his account so that only people with check marks may comment on his posts. Here are some of the early victims: People started complaining that there are too many H-1Bs, particularly those of Indian descent, and that they are not here to assimilate, to join America by taking… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Mike Turner
Mike Turner
Reply to  Mike Turner
January 7, 2025 3:05 PM

I should also mention that I have two grown sons who are software engineers and so face the downside of what I describe.

January 4, 2025 8:14 AM

“I want to see Republicans react sensibly …” -Scott Ott Well Scott, that’s your problem right there. Republicans are not particularly sensible, they just happen to be the party that’s most on our side. Getting Republicans, in and out of government, to understand the nuances and complexities of any given situation sharply resembles herding cats. Eventually, as per Bill’s position in this discussion, the American People will come to realize what best serves their own interests. Because America is essentially populated with a center-Right political majority. It would be dandy if the Republican Party and all those who consider themselves… Read more »

Kurt Wullenweber
January 4, 2025 7:28 AM

two things. #1 – Ads on paying members feeds??
#2 – several times when I hit skip ad button the feed ends in middle of show.

Rich Ouellette
Reply to  Kurt Wullenweber
January 4, 2025 7:51 AM

No ads on my browsers. If I were to guess, I’d bet you are using IE, Edge, Bing, or (!! yikes !!) Chrome (huge security risk). I don’t know to much about Apple browsers (Safari or Opera?), but usually, you can get an ad blocker in browser settings/extensions. However, a MUCH better move is to switch to MUCH more secure browsers like Brave (aggressive ad blocking), DuckDuckGo, FireFox or Avast (ad free) — all have ad blocker extensions. I use DuckDuck & Brave. Download. Install. Transfer links. Make default. Easy.

Reply to  Kurt Wullenweber
January 4, 2025 7:56 AM

Kurt — A lot of people have commented on ads being served on video content playing on this site. This site is NOT serving ads. I have several ad blockers and script blockers and they are all turned off on this site because they’re not needed. I’ve checked this on three different browsers; Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and MS Edge. No ads on any of them. I’m getting a clean, direct feed from when I’m logged in here as a member and there are zero ads being served or injected from this site. If you’re seeing ads, its something… Read more »

Reply to  Harry Ferguson
January 5, 2025 8:06 AM

There are ad blocking browsers that you can get on your Kindle Fire. I use AdBlocker by Rocketsheild but there are others. It’s a Chrome based browser. That one is available on the Amazon app store so it’s sanctioned and approved for Amazon devices. Which are just Android OSs rebranded. Silk is just Google Chrome rebranded, or more likely Chromium which is the open source browser Chrome is derived from. I’m not privy to Amazon’s internal software development but I know it’s either Chrome or a Chromium distro. The rest of this is about browsers in general. Read it or… Read more »

Kurt Wullenweber
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
January 5, 2025 1:12 PM

Thanx for the info!! I usually link from the email notice that comes. LEt me go to thru duckduckgo and see if it makes a difference! Perhaps I will use the email as notice but go to site thru browser.

Kurt Wullenweber
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
January 5, 2025 1:24 PM

Ta-dah!! That fixed the issue. Not sure what I was going thru linking from email, but going straight from my duckduckgo browser cured all issues. Thanx, brothers!!! Let’s ALL have a great 2025!!

Reply to  Kurt Wullenweber
January 5, 2025 2:35 PM

DuckDuckGo is an ad blocking browser so whatever is injecting those ads may still be living on your device or computer. There are no ads here behind the paywall so DDG is just masking yours by filtering out the ads before you see ’em. If you see ads in other venues not on DDG then you still have the same problem. However … If you are using something like a pad or tablet (iPad, Kindle Fire, etc.) then it’s probably just the default browser that is doing that. When you click a link in an email it launches the default… Read more »

Karl Schweitzer
Reply to  Kurt Wullenweber
January 6, 2025 7:02 PM

I am not sure if I understand what you’re doing, but opening the BW web site directly should be the same as opening it via a link in your e-mail. Occasionally it will make a difference if a video is posted to the blog instead of the main Shows page, but that’s just a difference of where the page is on the site. On the site here, they link the rumble video instead of the youtube one (though they post to both, and you can watch the videos on the channels, and I would suspect with ads) but my understanding… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Schweitzer
January 7, 2025 5:12 AM

An emailed link will always open the default browser and a link to email will always open the default email client. These can be configured in system settings on a PC, not sure about Android and Apple. In my case the default browser and the browser I want to web surf with are different browsers. I have my reasons for that … I rarely surf the ‘net on anything but a PC or Chromebook* though I have quite a few devices capable of web surfing. I never click links in emails, I copy them and put them in the browser… Read more »

Kurt Wullenweber
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
January 7, 2025 4:05 PM

I have one Boxx desktop that is specially configured to run SolidWorks. It is my only PC. I have duck duck go set as my default browser, but it only comes up when I open my browser. Any new window still opens in Bing, no matter how I set the default browser in settings.

Karl Schweitzer
Reply to  Harry Ferguson
January 6, 2025 6:56 PM

Oddly, while Amazon is very popular, their Kindle app store is not compatible with either iOS or Android, so companies have to develop a third version of their app. This means a lot of popular apps (I am including browsers and their addons in this) are just not available for Kindle devices.

Reply to  Karl Schweitzer
January 7, 2025 5:20 AM

Sad but true, the Fire OS is a forked version of Android. The good news is, as I have told Harry more than once, you can sideload the Google Play APKs so you can use the Google Play Store and run Google apps. It’s not hard to do, it doesn’t harm device functionality, there are easy step-by-step instructions online, I do it to every Amazon device I own as soon as I get it.

Reply to  Harry Ferguson
January 7, 2025 5:16 AM

Sorry Harry, I keep forgetting your Kindle Fire is stock. You really ought to learn how to install the Google Play Store on that device. I have 7 Kindle Fire tablets and I do it to all of them, eventually. It makes it so much more useful, it’s free except for your own time and then you have access to all the free apps on Google Play as well as the Amazon app store. Here are some good, easy to follow instructions, I’m sure you can handle this if you want to —

Reply to  Harry Ferguson
January 8, 2025 5:32 AM

You don’t actually have to jailbreak your Kindle to put the Google Play Store APKs on it, though some people might call that jailbreaking technically it’s not. Kindle Fire OS is a fork of Android so all you’re doing is loading up some files and apps that Amazon doesn’t supply because they want to keep you locked in to their ecosphere. It’s pretty easy to put it back to where it was if something goes wrong. Make sure you’d done a current backup to the cloud in Settings/Device Options/Backup & Restore before tinkering. Do a factory reset. To get to… Read more »

Brian Thomson
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
January 7, 2025 6:24 AM

I am using Chrome, and I see two adds before each video

Reply to  Brian Thomson
January 8, 2025 5:06 AM

I use Chrome on this site too and I see no ads when here on the site logged in behind the paywall as a member. I also don’t run any ad or script blockers when I’m here both because they’re not needed and so that the site can get important telemetric data on performance and traffic. My connection to the domain is clean and unfiltered and I don’t get ads. So it’s not the site. I’m on a PC with the latest updates to Windows 10 22H2, which is the final release of W10. What device are you using… Read more »

Keith Jackson
January 4, 2025 4:58 AM

In medicine, the H1B visa helped get foreign medical graduates to come fill in holes in healthcare availability. But, as the reimbursement for services has gone down, they don’t come over any more, doing better staying home.
America needs smart people, but we’ve never been the smartest people on earth. The reason we’ve done so well as a country is our freedom and the free markets, property rights and peace.

Last edited 2 months ago by Keith Jackson
Brian Thomson
Reply to  Keith Jackson
January 7, 2025 6:26 AM

Until we do away with property taxes, none of us own any property. We rent it from the government. Don’t believe me? Try not paying your taxes. They will evict you from “your property”.