Remarkable footage of Donald Trump and Barack Obama laughing and talking behind Kamala Harris’ back at the Carter funeral generates a lot of interesting thoughts and emotions: validation, repudiation of many of the slurs slung at Trump during the campaign, and even a sense of good sportsmanship. But the deeper point is that the man on the right has been elected to completely undo the damage wrought by the man on the left.
The Obama / Biden Era is over. The Great Undoing begins.
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I wanted to feel like Bill does regarding the “camaraderie” between Trump and Obama, but after years and years of learning that nearly everything the government does and says is lies, obfuscation, and malicious self-serving intent, what I saw was two insiders yukking it up, comfortable is their safe places within the protective arms of the government that makes them who they are, as long as they dutifully fulfill whatever role they are assigned.
ACTS, please tell me I’m wrong.
Time will tell but we do have Trump’s previous performance as a pretty solid clue. What I’m hoping for this term is for Trump 2.0, who has learned from his naivety and mistakes as POTUS 45. Who will be much firmer and much harder to sway by political backstabbing and manipulations. Who will worry less about coming across as a “good guy” and who realizes that didn’t help anything and only made him a chump. That was the problem with Trump 1.0 — Not being a career politician he had not yet developed any natural immunity to TDS. Which is… Read more »
Thank you for your candid, as always, and auspicious reply. I feel less conflicted and more confident now. Reading your comments over the years, I’ve learned to trust good common sense and wisdom when I hear it. Blessings and best wishes for these, our United States of America🙌
There may have been a change, as I’m listening to RA on Monday AM I’m seeing Obama arriving at the Capitol on TV
Considering that seating at that funeral was no doubt rigidly planned I’d like to know who decided to put Trump and Obama sitting next to each other and in easy earshot of Kamala. Who also put Jill Biden right next to Kamala. That part of the room was frosty.
I’d like to buy that guy or gal a drink.
Only one drink? How about whole bottle of their favorite?
LOL, hell no! I’m sure a bottle of those people’s “favorite”, whatever that may be, runs to a mighty steep price tag. They’d probably want a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 23* or something in that herd, I know if someone told me they were gonna buy me my favorite that’s what I’d want. If I’m going to spend that kind of money I’m drinkin’ it myself! I might share with friends but whoever did the seating assignments isn’t THAT much of a friend to me.
(*Sells north of $4,000 a bottle.)
I forgot my winking and sarcastic emoticon.😯
But maybe we could do a gofundme towards that.😉 I would chip in a 20 .
And since Biden’s been giving them out like candy, what about a Medal of Freedom?!😉😏
What I think is funny are all of the digs on Trump as being too self-important, egotistical, and grandiose. As if anyone who would want that crappy job isn’t. (I take that back. Mitt Romney was as close as it comes to being a polar opposite in personality. We see where that got us.) I’ve grown to believe that you have to be an attack dog, barely leashed, to survive the forces of the left and its media lapdogs. Andrew Klavan has an oft-played clip he calls “Trump’s happiness montage”. Every time I see it I laugh and smile. It… Read more »