Steve and Bill were shocked — SHOCKED! — to discover that Mainstream Media had not only gotten the frozen embryos case in Alabama not only wrong, but actually inverted. We know you will be shocked — SHOCKED! — when Scott goes into the details of how and why.
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another stellar episode. Thanks for the research and hard work. And thanks to all who have commented so far. I think this site has an incredible talent pool of members who always stimulate lots of great thought. Blessings to all who support BWN.
Scott’s closing statement raises the question: If the “parents” of the frozen embryo decide to dispose of the embryo, are they then killing their child?
Exactly what I was thinking. Is it the imposition of stasis upon the initially-dividing cells, or is it the act of discarding those static embryos that actually terminates life? Not being one who is knowledgeable about the cellular activity of frozen cells, I have no idea how to answer that question satisfactorily.
Just like so many here, when I heard about this, I thought “Since the panic is so intense, just what is the actual truth?” And then found the actual decision. Gee…. At fertilization, a human life is created. Until frozen, cells are dividing, and lifeless thing don’t do that. And that “lump of cells” isn’t a turnip. Or a gazelle. Or…., well anything but the genus and species homo sapiens, ie, human. Thats the DNA. That’s science. I’ve used that argument against abortion for years. I don’t use Biblical arguments, those people, in general, are already in the right side.… Read more »
You could maybe also comment that under the law, corporations are considered persons for the matter of free speech. Saying something is, or isn’t, a person isn’t a great metric
Actually, I have done that. Messes up leftists brains. Also person in that the corporation can own things, and sue or be sued. They have certain rights, unlike a table for example. Or, as I have already said, a slave..
This thing with the “invention” of news is a two way street. There are some sources on the Right that do this every bit as badly as some sources on the Left. I cannot help but think that those on the Right who mirror this tactic of the Left do so because they’ve seen the Left use it to such great success. That is NOT an excuse for lying to the public. The ends does not justify the means, there is no circumstance where your cause is so just and so righteous that you are legitimized thereby to employ deception.… Read more »
I agree wholeheartedly with what you wrote. The very few arguments I have with my dear husband are mostly a variation of this discussion. I do, however, have great compassion for many of those who say we must use the same tactics of the Left to defeat them. It is so heartbreaking to see and hear about the terrible things the Left is perpetrating on society, and the doomsday predictions of those on the Right add fuel to that fire. It creates a helpless feeling, and many (who would never advocate for scorched earth in their own lives, like my… Read more »
Janet, thanks for ending your reply with a message of hope. Never give up is always a good motto to live by. Especially when you are on the right side of history.
Thank you so much for your kind words! One of the reasons I love this website is that we get such wonderful commentary, and such friendly debate in the discussions. I also love Scott’s way of framing issues. It may be frustrating to hear the gentle voice of reason that pulls us back from the brink, but it’s always wise to stop and listen to it. It brings me hope to know that there are still voices out there with rock-solid principles, wise counsel, and humorous good will. If we believe we are in the right, it’s always good to… Read more »
Thank you for your reply. I often wonder if I’m getting through to anyone at all so that really helps. The line between adopting enemy tactics and being corrupted by them the way they are, or sticking to our own much better principles, can be a fine distinction and sometimes very confusing. It’s not only possible and likely that we can become what we fear and despise most if we adopt enemy tactics. It’s also possible to stand on our own principles and go down with the ship. Those are the two extreme ends of the problem. If we do… Read more »
Yes, exactly. One example (which I find frustrating in the extreme because it has those negative consequences displayed in obvious ways) is the issue of ballots. Mail-in, harvested, etc. etc. etc. Yes, in person, day-of election ballots are the least likely to be corrupted, although there are plenty of pre-mail-in ballot era stories to show that if you have the will to cheat, there’s always a way. But we now live in the era of nearly any type of ballot goes. If we stand here and stomp and fume and curse and refuse to make use of them, we LOSE.… Read more »
I agree with everything you’ve written here, but…. I am very solidly in the camp of “The ends do not justify the means.” However, in times of war the “ends” are the only thing and the “means” be damned. To the Left, this IS war. They are fully committed and they will use ANY means necessary to win. I don’t like it, but there it is. Not sure how we can win without going to war ourselves. Maybe we don’t have to use their tactics. Maybe we can still maintain some dignity and honesty, but we definitely have to recognize… Read more »
I didn’t say this isn’t a war. It most certainly is. How you fight a war says a lot about who you are. When things are critical, confrontational and combative is precisely the wrong time to abandon morality and sound doctrine. Conscience by convenience is no conscience at all. If the other side is committing atrocities that doesn’t mean we should too. That has never been our way and our way has worked well for a very long time. This is no time to abandon that. A war is no excuse to justify ends with means and never has been.… Read more »
“Conscience by convenience is no conscience at all” Thanks, ACTS TM….. that is a beautiful quote whether you are the originator of not. That is a good thing to have in mind when talking with leftists and some others as well. Many people in the world and a few in my own family seem to exhibit that exact characteristic, much to my chagrin. Blessings as usual to all here..
Hi ACTS. I agree with your comments. I’m not suggesting that we use the same tactics as the Left. I’m saying that we are in a war and we have to treat it like a war. I don’t know the answers, but I’m wondering how we can win a war against an enemy that controls most of the institutions, and will do ANYTHING to destroy us. More importantly, how do we fight this war and still remain the good guys? I don’t know how to win this, but I do know that we will lose if we don’t treat it… Read more »
The tactics are fairly simple. Check to see if you’re actually doing what’s right, not what everyone else says is right, not what the Right says is right, but what your own conscience tells you is right. Assuming you still have a conscience of course. Then do that. The main thing is to differentiate between the right, just cause of our side and the wrong, dastardly position of the opposition. One of the major failings of the Republican Party has been caving in to the demands of the Left and in doing so becoming indistinguishable from the Left. This is… Read more »
Bill, you forgot another group that can be attacked, libeled or slandered with impunity in America (it is ALWAYS open season on us)-we Catholics and our Catholic Church (albeit sometimes with good reason).
A lot of the time that’s not because you’re Catholics, it’s because you’re assholes. Before you get your knickers knotted up, let me explain. When in the past I have said good, appreciative things about Catholics I’ve known, you slagged on me for ‘unsound’ Catholic doctrine. You and Art Gutierrez, our two wear-their-Catholicism-on-their-sleeves members, can get downright nasty about this too. When the Mormons moved to Missouri they were eventually driven out again. NOT because of their religion. They would swarm into a political system like a city or a county and take over by having a well coordinated majority… Read more »
May God bless you bro….
an asshole (like you).
It sounds like this is as legally binding on the abortion debate as when it is reported that two were killed a car crash. “So-and-so was so many months pregnant, reports her family.” Of course any law, court case, or utterance by someone that is not wholly in line with the leftist agenda is tantamount to heresy.
It’s such a tragedy that our nation is infested with so many Satan worshiping bloodthirsty savages who believe that a mother should be allowed to laughter her own child. ANYBODY who believes such is utterly devoid of conscience, and it is absurd to expect such a person to employ ANY honesty in arguing their point. America’s judgment is not far ahead.
From the final scene of The man who shot Liberty Valence.…”this is the West. When legend becomes fact….print the legend”……
………………Journalism then, journalism now.
Like Steve, I read the scary headlines, and my first thought was “with the MSM left leaning slant, I wonder what the real story is?” Now I know, or at least I know what Scott is telling me. While all have fallen short, Scott Ott, while not perfectly upright and straight-up, leans very very little off perpendicular to solid ground. But to follow his advice, I’ll download the ruling myself and read it myself. While I’m not a lawyer, I do play one at work, having written well over a dozen US and global patents on my own inventions. I… Read more »
Oh and after I watched it on Y/T, liked and commented, I came back over here to comment to the membership. Gotta keep that BW experiment going!
Seems to me this is all about “Gimme de money.” If that’s all there is to it, pay them off in 1872 dollars. Was Alabama still using Confederate dollars then?