Her staff hates her; the turnover rate is astronomical. The country doesn’t much like her either: she’s the first Presidential candidate in history to not win a single primary vote. And it turns out that Steve, Bill and Scott aren’t fans either. Watch Kamala Harris run a unity campaign filled with joy as she reaches out to the hundred million Nazis and Fascists that think she’s a chowderhead.

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Wesley Bruce
November 5, 2024 4:26 PM

Some of the churches the left frequent are really communist party fronts taking advantage of tax exemptions and freedom of religion clauses in the constitution to do their work. The bible only gets used when the cameras are present.

Reply to  Wesley Bruce
November 6, 2024 9:45 AM

It’s been that way since the inception of the Communist Party. They use other seemingly legitimate fronts too, not just churches.

It would seem their message is so good and so popular that they have to hide it to get people to swallow it. Go figure.

Wesley Bruce
November 5, 2024 4:08 PM

The first major Federal government medical research project was for epilepsy because George Washington’s daughter had it and died of it in the garden. Everyone knew her and wanted to find a cure. It is still going today good things have been invented but we still do not have a cure.

Wesley Bruce
November 5, 2024 3:58 PM

We are talking about a candidate that was reportedly endorsed by a pro-prostitution organization as one of us! That was back when she was running for Senate. We had two candidates in Australia that had the same endorsement and left no doubts what-so-ever of the fact. The DNC is the party of immorality/ anti-morality. Only the Spanish left in the 1970’s outdid that.

Tom Szekely
November 4, 2024 7:27 AM

The cheapening of the Holocaust started long, long, long, ago, with calling low-income black neighborhoods like Harlem, a Ghetto, which was, and remains, not remotely like the WWII walled-in, Stormtrooper patrolled, Warsaw Ghetto.


Reply to  Tom Szekely
November 4, 2024 8:46 AM

… and the Jewish ghettos of Warsaw are not remotely like the areas of Venice and Rome where the word was originally coined and applied. Jewish people do not have a monopoly on the word and it can be correctly applied to other areas, ethnicities and cultures. I get what you’re saying about the misery and horror of the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw but the etymology of the word “ghetto” has little or nothing to do with that. It’s just a designation of an area like “borough” or “precinct” that later became adapted to apply largely to Jewish spaces/communities. It… Read more »

Tom Szekely
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
November 21, 2024 6:49 AM

Not at all, but as you so convincingly demonstrate, we’re way past denotation, and the connotation of the word argues mightily against it’s post-holocaust use by those would try to take it back to its strict meaning had they been aware of it.


Keith Jackson
November 4, 2024 6:52 AM

Every election I’m confronted by the lack of common sense, lack of historical knowledge, blind spots regarding the fetus they view as “just a clump of cells” even up until birth, and, frankly, the utter stupidity of the voters interviewed regarding their reasons for choosing their preference in elections. At the top of the list is the, usually older, white, female voter who says that her brain tells her to vote one way, but her desire “for a woman’s right to choose” trumping everything.

Last edited 4 months ago by Keith Jackson
Reply to  Keith Jackson
November 4, 2024 8:00 AM

Well … I guess that’s just people for you. While it is absolutely true that there are people like you describe, the pervasiveness of those attitudes is hard to determine. Remember that what you see in the media doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. Besides his obvious antisemitism one of the big reasons I unsubscribed to Mark Dice is his habit of going to the San Diego, Torrance, Santa Monica piers or Venice Beach on a weekday afternoon and interviewing the very questionable people there. Even for the Soviet Socialist Repooblik of Kalifornia those are exceptionally concentrated enclaves of total knotheads and… Read more »

Keith Jackson
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
November 4, 2024 9:55 AM

The Dems are testing the proposition that 50.1% of people will vote for the “right to choose” ahead of any anti-American, anti-common sense, anti-reality, and anti-economic health policy that could be dreamed up by the most sinister creeps on the planet earth.

Reply to  Keith Jackson
November 5, 2024 5:35 AM

Yeah, the old “bait and switch” routine. “If you don’t put us in power you can’t kill your babies. Of course if you do put us in power we’ll kill you eventually. First through higher costs to weed out the low/no income bottom end breeders and then working up through the scale until we get to an American Lubyanka and gulags. But we’ll let you kill your babies every step of the way.” This election is going to be the proof if that 50.1% strategy will work or not. I’ve always taken a positive view of the American People, when… Read more »

Nelson Guzman
November 4, 2024 6:02 AM

Hi guys. The governor of New York just called anyone in her state who votes for Trump, “unamerican.” I guess her staff neglected to tell her that the “correct” slur was “Nazi”
Maybe next time….Nelson

November 4, 2024 5:57 AM

You would think that a political party that claims to represent the vast preponderance of college educated smart Americans would have learned their lesson about running mean girls, harpies, harridans, battle-axes and bee-hatches. Apparently not, huh? Hillary Queen of Kankles and Defender of the Faithless had the same political machine and corrupt press behind her. She lost anyway to a politically unknown Dark Horse named Donald Trump for several reasons but one of the really big ones was that she’s flaming sow-hog that people just don’t like. Turns out that when you alienate half the nation you don’t win elections.… Read more »

Allen Lawless
November 4, 2024 3:17 AM

Minor quibble, Steve, to your last comment. Tuesday’s election won’t be over on Tuesday. The inevitable software “glitches,” lost ballots, leaky counting rooms, halted counting, blown-up drop boxes, and other “anomalies” will certainly unleash the lawsuits, recounts, and other fun stuff. And then the violence perpetrated by the Left (should they lose) will also cast a stain across the election. Nope, the Fat Lady ain’t even warming up yet.

Ticiba Upe
November 3, 2024 9:03 PM

According to Mark Groubert’, we brought the nazis over at the end of WWII and they infiltrated the fringe of the Republican party. Moreover, at the dissolution of the USSR, we then brought in the hardcore commies who infiltrated the fringe of the Democrat party….and that is what we are seeing in the Democrats today. The nazis never took became more than fringe of the right. The commies, however, have taken over the left. Look at the policies. Look at what they actually are. Isn’t DEI communistic? The commies began seriously infiltrating the educational system, government, and corporations in the… Read more »

Reply to  Ticiba Upe
November 4, 2024 7:06 AM

I’m sorry but I don’t believe any of that conspiracy theory nonsense. The blame does not lie with a relatively small number of nefarious “infiltrators”. The scale, if you grasp it, is off by orders of magnitude. We’ve always had the fringes and we always will. Foreign malign infiltrators just join those fringes but get little traction. The proof of this is that there are ALSO even more politically oriented types who have fled totalitarian regimes and come to America. These people are just as politically active and warn anyone who will listen of the folly that pursuing such ideologies… Read more »

Karl Schweitzer
Reply to  Ticiba Upe
November 4, 2024 6:38 PM

Not to pile on because you are partially right, but as ACTS noted, the Frankfurt school and Gramsci and eugenics types like Sanger were already here and already thinking leftist thoughts. Wilson’s administration with idea that elites would be nobler than regular humans and produce better decisions as civil servants than the spoils system of politically appointed types was already doing damage (we’ll leave off his racist attitudes for this topic). We probably did have some leftists sneak into the country, and I would guess most of them would be in the commie stripe rather than the fascist / nazi… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Schweitzer
November 6, 2024 10:06 AM

If I came across as being nasty to Ticiba Upe I apologize, that wasn’t my intention but I’m aware that meaning to or not I sometimes come across that way in text. What I consider to be plain-spoken forthright speech a lot of people take as something other than “nice”. I just don’t concern myself with being “nice” at the expense of my Freedom of Speech. I don’t do “politically correct” for anyone on either side. To me “political correctness”, or being “nice” is just a futile attempt to pick up a turd by the clean end. Conspiracy theories are… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by ACTS (TM)
Karl Schweitzer
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
November 6, 2024 3:28 PM

Oh, yeah I guess my “not to pile on” comment could be taken that way, though it wasn’t really intended as such. I was trying to split hairs I guess would be the phrase in a “you’re not entirely wrong, these things could happen but would not have had the impact you gave them” way. I am not sure how much of the “long march through the institutions” is actually directed in any conspiracy theory way and how much is just fellow travelers with similar philosophy, versus how much is as you say, “petty, small-minded, black-hearted nasty Americans” which certainly… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Schweitzer
November 7, 2024 6:38 AM

Jordan Peterson pointed out that a negative drift in higher education has been the abandonment of carefully vetting teachers and professors with a long track record of achievement then paying them well and granting them tenure as a reward for meritorious performance. Now it’s cheaper and colleges make much more money using “associates” in the form of associate professors and associate teachers then pay them much, much less. Very often so much less that they can’t make a living at all let alone a decent living. He said “It’s a serious mistake to do that because you are radicalizing the… Read more »

Brother Bob
November 3, 2024 6:24 PM

Side note, but what’s up with your release schedule – it’s like you’re trying to not get views.

Reply to  Brother Bob
November 6, 2024 10:08 AM

… and dumping Right Angles into the Member’s Only Blog isn’t helping either. I thought that problem was solved but no, an important Right Angle once again found its way to the Blog page.