Bill Whittle, Scott Ott and Steve Green bring you three different perspectives on three of the week’s top stories, with penetrating analysis, assorted-grade humor, and just a pinch of artisanally-selected, steel-cut snark; plus, an informal, wide-ranging, hour-long Member’s Only Backstage show: every week, without fail, since 2009.

Fix Elections First 

Why did it take Pennsylvania some five hours to call? Well, we all know why.

Free Canada!  

Conservative Pierre Poilievre is a Canadian Donald Trump but with a smooth, delicious, maple-syrup coating.

Make Facebook Great Again 

Expect to see further expressions of aw-shucks gratitude on the part of the tech giants facing real threats of anti-trust legislation.

Making More Republicans

Joe Biden has made more new Republicans than any President in US History.

A Union of Distrust

“We are in a low-trust moment, and it binds Right and Left together,” says a GOP pollster writing in The New York Times. Doesn’t sound exactly optimal to us.