Bill Whittle, Scott Ott and Steve Green bring you three different perspectives on three of the week’s top stories, with penetrating analysis, assorted-grade humor, and just a pinch of artisanally-selected, steel-cut snark; plus, an informal, wide-ranging, hour-long Member’s Only Backstage show: every week, without fail, since 2009.

Rethinking NASA
It’s time to take a cold hard look at what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong.

The GAVIN NEWSOM Experience
Could there be a WORSE format for a walking $800 haircut than an hour or so of unstructured talk? No. No there could not.

HOW DARE YOU Deport These Innocent Lambs?!
They’re not American citizens and they are repeat criminal offenders!

An Encouraging Word for Ye of Little Faith
Don’t pay attention to what Donald Trump SAYS; pay attention to what Donald Trump WANTS.

The Dems are Running (But Where Will They Stop?)
What will they have left when (or if) the running stops?

Look! The leftists have made up a new word!

Trump’s 80/20 Ratchet
Donald Trump’s MAGA movement owns the political issues supported by roughly 80% of the country.