Islamic terrorists launch a surprise invasion, capture a large group of hostages, and hold them for over a year as a weak and vacillating US President fumbles and does nothing. But a resounding Republican victory sends a message to the hostage takers; one they seem to understand is worth taking seriously. Exit question: are we talking about 1980 or 2024?

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Karl Schweitzer
December 10, 2024 6:41 PM

When Scott mentioned Teddy’s quote, or thereabouts, I remembered a cartoon (or illustration at least) of a knight in armor kneeling next to a small kitten. The caption was something along the lines of “Being peaceful implies you can be dangerous. If you have no capacity for violence you are not peaceful, you are harmless” or something to that effect.

Keith Jackson
December 10, 2024 6:23 AM

“A different kind of guy here” rings true. I don’t know that my previous favorite president could have gone up against the entertainment/media complex, the lawfare, and the dissolution of patriotism/anti-common sense/anti-western society/anti-Christian wall of crap that Trump had to fight against. I remember Reagan being mocked for his B-movie background co-starring with a chimpanzee and being shot while in office, but Trump had “the Apprentice” history and got shot, albeit RR’s was much more lethal. I’ve said this all along, that Trump necessarily has to have the quintessential New York City A-hole personality in his back pocket or else… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Keith Jackson
Reply to  Keith Jackson
December 10, 2024 1:12 PM

It’s not about … “I’ve said this all along, that Trump necessarily has to have the quintessential New York City A-hole personality in his back pocket or else he would have thrown up his hands in acquiescence.” It’s not about his personality. It’s about him sticking his own great big foot in his mouth. Which he does on an all too regular basis. Which doesn’t help him or us or the United States of America. He could have that type of personality and still NOT say things that our enemies use against him and us. I don’t really care about… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by ACTS (TM)
Keith Jackson
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
December 12, 2024 1:28 PM

Trump couldn’t imagine losing to a dumb bunny in the throws of dementia and hadn’t prepared for the massive mail-in vote scams that made that 2020 election so hard to stomach. For Gods sake, even France saw the fraud in this type of vote harvesting and nixed it after one trial period. You are right, it wasn’t illegal, and he said a thing to regret. My guess is that there are scores of Dems who know that election was fraudulently won, however. Obama did say it was important to overwhelm the conservative Supreme Court with extra justices and he didn’t… Read more »

December 10, 2024 5:12 AM

Yeah … No. I wouldn’t go as far as calling Trump “Reagan 2.0” … That’s a bit like calling a carp a “bass 2.0”. They both swim in the same water, their poo falls to the same mud bottom but the similarities are due to their milieu. To get the Republican and conservative vote Trump has to be like and do things the way Reagan did at least to some degree. Reagan and Trump both love America deeply and that’s the only real intersection between the two. They have considerably different approaches in how that love is best served and… Read more »