Have they hit bottom yet? Nah, not by a long shot. Unhappy with their limited success at turning Thanksgiving and Christmas into Liberal Hectoring Sessions, the Biden administration has decided to try and co-opt Only Fans camgirls to help spread The Miracle of Bidenomics message, with results ranging from the pathetic to the hilarious.
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Beijing Biden’s spokes-creatures are as degenerate as Beijing Biden.
The power of porn is massive. Sadly.
Just a quick Public Service Announcement — Gambling and Porn websites are the quickest, surest way to get your computer or other device compromised and your data stolen. Or worse. You can’t hang out in the internet equivalent of seedy downtown back alleys at 2 AM and not expect to get mugged. The same sort of mentality that is prowling back alleys at 2 AM is wide awake 24/7 and hunting the internet for victims. Either way, you’re inviting combat so you’d better be aware and up to the task. Better to avoid the situation altogether and stay out of… Read more »
Bill: “If you’re waiting to find the bottom of what the modern left will do …”
My thought exactly, in reaction to Steve’s initial presentation.
Just when you think leftists have reached the bottom…..
You find they are placing explosives and big digging machines in the sub basement. 🙄
The Marianas Trench is a crack in the sidewalk compared to how low the Left will go…
But relax. After a while, if they dig long enough they will starting going up.
But of course, the lava will rise and destroy a lot. Not good but….
We can only hope it destroys themselves.
Wait, that may be happening . They seem to be eating their own. 😂
Maybe they will get lost or eaten before massive damage occurs.
Well, I mean if before even more damage occurs. They’ve already destroyed a lot.
I guess you could say that the word “influencer” means propagandist.
Hackers! Here’s an idea to Bill’s point about intro-ing each video with Nancy Pelosi. The conservative alt media needs to find, and pay handsomely, hackers who will infiltrate Only Fans and insert a verrrrrry realistic a.i version of current day Nancy Pelosi in a string bikini into every video. 🤣
Oh sheesh, that’s an image that not even washing my eyeballs out with bleach will erase. Because it’s behind my eyeballs. Thanks a lot DD.
The horror! The horror!😵
Part of the problem, Scott, is that young conservatives don’t want anything to do with those local legislative bodies.
They are too busy living life and growing their careers and family.
Then when there are some that need support, we as individuals don’t rally. There was a young woman running for congress in Baltimore during Trump’s mid-terms. For exotic dancer running as an R – and got very little outside support. She has disappeared. She would have been a good one to get onto a town council for training.
I’d never heard of this “Only Fans” garbage until now. And no, I’m not going to dig on the interwebz to find out more. I’ll just take your word for it, gents.
That said, no, there is no bottom to leftism. The entire objective of these radicals is to destroy anything approximating normalcy in our culture and when they themselves start becoming “normal”, they’ll work on destroying themselves. That part can’t happen soon enough.
Ok. This is twice recently this very thing has come to my attention. First time was Brett Cooper “The Comment Section” of Daily Wire. Also conservative and mainly to with online things, and shows comments and some vids. Worth checking out, although sometimes what she brings up I don’t care about. Like celebrities I don’t care about.
And no, I don’t pay for it. She has in program ads, and sometimes inserts her add very cleverly. And after a while, predictably.
Overall, recommended with above caveats. YMMV.
Started watching her vids awhile back. She is very good. Started as a child actress. Quite smart and funny.
Yes, some of the items are not of interest to an older guy, but quite a few more than would be expected are of interest.