The experienced, practical, level-headed, down-to-earth, non-commissioned officer has been the backbone of both the army and the navy since time immemorial. Not the kind of people one would expect to find scurrying up the rigging of a US warship operating in hostile waters in order to install their own, Petty Officers Only, Starlink wifi so that they can keep up with their emails and TikTok videos while deep in the Western Pacific. And the Commanding Officer of the USS Goat Rodeo does not exactly cover herself in glory in terms of getting to the bottom of this bilge water.
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Command senior chief convicted for unauthorized Wi-Fi on her ship (navytimes.com)
My impression is that cultures that weather history’s cycles better tend to respect their elders. Conservatives have the general idea about what to do. Make history cool again. Teach children to respect their parents and elders. Place limits on children’s internet use. The beatings will continue until morale improves. Then we win. If RFK can have enough of the stupid beaten out of him to endorse Trump, things can’t be that bad.
I’m sure DEI had nothing to do with this.
a DISHONORABLE discharge with PRISON time would do MUCH to straighten the others out
I am disgusted by this whole thing, and with the mess that has been made of our military by allowing women in just because they are women.
Here is a comment from someone at Not The Bee’s article about this incident. I don’t know if it is accurate, but perhaps a veteran here can verify it.
“She lost 100s of thousands for that demotion and she has no future. She was crushed. People don’t understand how that works because they don’t know how retirement etc works. And she will get zero benefits. She lost everything.”
we can only hope
Bill, I hope fervently that you will be able to get the Daily Wire to buy your series on the navy.
Even if she (the CO) was completely incompetent, I would still have expected her to be foaming at the mouth angry at the petty officers for their deception and lying and making her to be a fool. I would expect the CO to have demanded a much stronger punishment for their betrayal.
And I would have expected them to leave no stone unturned to find an unauthorized wifi node in the middle of the ocean.
As a business, we don’t allow people to turn their phones into hot spots.
This is the US Navy.
An example should have been set which makes me think this is not the first time and the brass knows it.
Reminds me of Geraldo Rivera drawing US Forces battle activites in the sand live on Fox. Except Rivera was a stupid journalist with no armed services training. These Navy idiots knew the risks, and they did it anyway. Nothing like saying to the world, “Yeah, we’re here now. And now, we’re over here. And here, and here.”
Jerry Rivers.
Reminds me of a recent lock in for church youth group that my daughter chaperoned. They were playing a hide and seek type game and there were kids who left there cell phones on a had some version of find my friends app, which worked well enough for the other team to narrow down their hiding spots.
Basically a beacon saying – here I am!
They’ll be high up in the Pentagon in 20 years, and be on the boards of Raytheon or Lockheed in 30
“Crucible of fire”. Exactly right. To purify gold (or silver or pretty much any metal) you need a crucible of literal fire. The hotter and longer duration the better to drive off the dross and separate what you want from what you don’t. This also applies to mettle. And you may be surprised who fails and who succeeds. Pryrite looks like gold, but the crucible (and other methods) will prove its worth very quickly. People are purified the same way. Yes, I know what I did there with metal and mettle. My brain would not let me not use it.… Read more »
I am a veteran and a retired Senior Chief Petty Officer (ATCS). In my day, if the Commanding Officer (CO) was told a lie or even not the whole truth, and I, or any of the other Chiefs, knew about it that lying somebody would end up in the brig or sickbay. We were initiated as Chiefs to have integrity, which meant the ship, mission, country, family in that order were most important; yourself was last. You did not tolerate anyone jeopardizing the integrity of those important things by lying to the CO at sea, on land, or in the… Read more »
Excellent post. An LCS seems to have about 100 sailors. Would 15 Chiefs be an appropriate compliment for a ship that size? (it was mentioned that all 15 chiefs had access to the wifi) Figuring in a few officers at least, each Chief has 6 sailors under them? Sound right or is that a lot of non cons for the ship? Perhaps I am reading it wrong, as the “Captain” is a Lt. Commander, so perhaps there are not that many jr officers and non con are used instead. Just trying to get a feel for the on board hierarchy… Read more »
The word I used is integrity – the quality of being honest, fair, and good is the primary meaning chiefs are initiated to uphold, but the word also demands a state of being whole or unified as a team (not just an elite group) and the soundness of construction of the entire ship. The ship is only as sound as the integrity of its crew! NCOs have privileges that lower rated do not have is true, but they also have greater responsibilities. Among the privileges are private common areas and perks in dining and respect of rank. The two major… Read more »