Oprah to Kamala: “Yes, of course I will endorse you… [evil laugh] …for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!” Three million if you’re Beyonce but just a lousy $500 grand if you’re only Reverend Al Sharpton. What does it say about such a ‘historic’ candidate that we now discover that many of the big celebrity endorsements she got came in exchange for a big check with lots of zeros on it?
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The FEC rules about the amount an individual can contribute to a campaign limits how much “in kind” services can be “donated” to a candidate. Oprah probably couldn’t donate the cost of the “townhall” without falling afoul of those regs. Whether that cost really was $1 million can certainly be debated. When RFK, Jr. was running and there were concerns for his safety, Gavin Debecker’s company was providing him security but they couldn’t do it gratis without running into those limits, even though Debecker said he would have liked to do it. That may account for Oprah’s need to be… Read more »
The bottom line is that if you have to pay a celebrity of any sort for an endorsement it’s not an endorsement, it’s a paid performance. You simply hired someone to do what they do for a living anyway. If I hire someone to mow my lawn I can’t rightfully say he’s mowing my lawn because he thinks I’m a great guy and people should like and agree me. He might think that, he might even say that but he’s mowing my lawn because I’m paying him to mow it. He wouldn’t be mowing my lawn if he knew I… Read more »
You guys are a hoot.
When I was watching the DNC Convention and saw two wealthy women in Oprah & Big Mike scolding America I was amazed at the optics. Two wealthy black women complaining about their oppression, to me, looked like something that would only appeal to Lefty women.
I’m old enough to remember when Dems owned the messaging and optics. Without the legacy media and big tech suppression the Dems would be finished as a party.
That scolding probably played some part in the record number of black men who voted for Trump. Black dudes don’t like being scolded by angry, scowling, preachy women anymore than anyone else does. Oprah and the Sasquatch being black just brought that home to black men even more. If you’re an angry, scowling, preachy woman the last thing you want to do is tick off men who can vote by secret ballot. I gotta wonder, what the sam hell were they thinking? Did they think that they were so influential that they could go full throttle blazing blue bitch and… Read more »
The Netherlands is also called Holland, so who the heck are the Dutch ?
Wanna be even more confused? The Dutch in the Netherlands speak Dutch but in Belgium they speak Flemish and that’s Dutch too. Afrikaans is also Dutch but it’s spoken in South Africa. They can all more-or-less understand each other’s speech even though they’re technically three languages. They are also dialects of each other but further apart than say; Texas Twang, Carolina Mush Mouth and Yankee Honk Nose. Dutch people are hard to nail down. I don’t know if they do all this on purpose just to keep the rest of us baffled or if it’s an accident. Story time, read… Read more »
Ha ha , how about Walloons ?
HA! Walloons are Frogish. If you think the Dutch are bad you don’t even want to get me started on the Frogs, er, I mean French.
I’ve been watching “microphone jabbed in the face” interviews of libs walking to work and they’re already despairing the possible loss of all the unnecessary bureaucrats and agencies, completely ignoring the 7 Trillion added to the debt the last 3 years.
Loved the Babylon Bee spoof where Hulk Hogan did Madison Square Garden for Trump for 3 scratch-offs and a meatball sub.
Hard to get excited about anything ‘Oprah’ related, as she considers herself to be superior to the unwashed masses, based on her wealth, and self-perception that she’s been anointed to her aristocratic ‘upper’ class & social standing. Meanwhile, she can’t stand the ‘conservative’ culture, where a million dollars would actually ‘mean’ something in the lives of the deplorables ( or Dutch ;-/ ). Two things I can’t stand in this world people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch. — Austin Powers She’s like the Count The Money … it’s good to be the King (or Queen)… Read more »