A click-thirsty headline at defector.com claims that neither Elon Must nor anyone else will ever colonize Mars. Why? Because it’s cold there, and there’s no air, and it’s far away and there are no free-range chickens either. Just wind Bill up and watch him go!
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30 to 50 cm of stone will block the radiation. Stone structure’s are cheaper than tunneling. 1 mm of plastic will keep air in and CO2 out. Put the pressure tents out side some structures and inside others. Whole valleys could be roofed over with plastic to make farm valleys. Plants are partly immune to cosmic rays. Radiation does not go though light pipes or bounce off mirrors so you can get light though a skylight while blocking radiation. You can do 99.9 % of the EVA work with robots teleoperated from anywhere on the planet. Nuclear rockets get the… Read more »
Steve brought up a good point that never occurred to me before: “What if we forget how to make spaceships?” Any colony should have it as a priority to be able to recreate their own technology without support. Would it even be considered a colony at that point?
Scott keeps saying we should read the article he’s referencing, but doesn’t give us a link.
Scott Ott as a “Christian” no one is going anywhere so says the BIBLE Genesis 1:14-19 (KJV): “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
with that being said the earth is FLAT just look at the fact that NO flights go over the Antartica.
Dude some of us know Hebrew. The passage is about function not form but is accurate in both. Good troll though.
That’s about the silliest interpretation of that verse I think it’s ever been my misfortune to waste visual purple on. So … There are seasons, days and years on Mars TOO. And when you look at Mars through a telescope, and I have many times, it is clearly a ROTATING SPHERE. You can tell this because you can see features moving across the face of Mars commensurate with its rotation. Same goes for all the other planets. I’d be really interested to hear your explanation for why Earth is a flat disk and ALL THE OTHER PLANETS ARE SPHERES. Did… Read more »
Or we could just find the underground oxygen generators and turn them back on.
Wouldn’t that ruin our chances for 3 breasted women?
Maybe, but, more than a double handful is wasted anyway.
But what about two hands and one mou….?
Never mind. Forget what I said.😏
Never underestimate the perversity of humans.
I’ll take the MARS with the blue skies in the photos.
— Texas
Who would want to live UNDERGROUND on Mars?
I’m fairly convinced that everywhere not-Earth will be underground or in a vacuum. I hope there will be big domed forests, tho…like a zoo for plants. Anyone recall the 1970’s movie Silent Running?
I have above ground mars colony designs and spacious moon colonies with 1g gym spaces. All available technology, no terraforming needed. We have the technology to colonize everything out to Pluto. We just don’t have the very fast propulsion. Elon’s working on that. https://www.deviantart.com/wesbee/art/Detailed-Stone-mars-base-906683091 and https://appliedimpossibilies.blogspot.com/2010/10/building-first-generation-of-buildings.html
You have everyone living in a tube. That’s exactly what I was talking about.
Elon wants to die on Mars? Robert Heinlein predicted him in the JL Harriman character!
Yeah … I don’t think Bill’s quite got it right comparing airline travel to colonizing Mars. It’s not a matter of environmental conditions, we can alter those to suit our needs with no problem. It’s a matter of logistics and sustaining those conditions over the long term. If people were living on airliners that never returned to the ground for fuel, food and other necessities it would be a valid comparison. I know I’m probably quibbling here but it should be obvious that creating an environment that keeps people alive isn’t the problem. That can be done and is merely… Read more »
Colonization implies a permanent self sustainability. While people are living in Antarctica, you couldn’t call it a colony.
I’m rather fond of Earth myself. Ain’t no way anybody’s gonna get me up there. Admittedly, I am somewhat lacking in physical courage.
I could imagine Mars being a way station to other realms, but for that to even be needed you really have to have warp drive. We won’t see that until Zefram Cochrane invents it in 2063. Another 39 year wait, guys.
I can’t see anything being on Mars that can’t be found just floating free in orbit just waiting to be nudged towards a colony closer to Earth. Why crawl out of our evolutionary gravity well just to toss ourselves down another? I want that $20 I sent to the L5 Society back in the 70’s finally mean something.
Explore the hell out of Mars. Exploit it for the good of humanity, if anything rare is found. Send it back to Earth like a galleon full of doubloons.
We could dig out and dust off the Montauk jump seat technology to transport whatever we want, whenever we want, wherever we want, at the speed of thought.
Please forgive my ignorance. I’ve never heard of ‘Montauk jump seat technology’ and can’t find anything on the net that looks in context to your reply. I don’t think you’re talking about the folding seats in a Boston Whaler Montauk model fishing boat — So …
I don’t know if that’s an obscure reference to something in fiction, a conspiracy theory or some sort of weird pseudo-science like the Electric Universe.
Seems to be a reference to the Montauk Chair, a device used during the Montauk Project. https://allthatsinteresting.com/montauk-project
Elon Musk should buy Amazon…. They can ship anything he wants to Mars overnight!!!
And if you are a Prime member, shipping will be free!😏
AND, free returns, too!