A Case III Recovery is esactly the same as a Case I Recovery, only you can’t see anything.
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I was holding my breath until I was able to let it out in a yell that my whole household heard…. and then I was able to share it.
Most Americans know not nor believe what it takes to do an ‘at sea’ tour, let alone doing them year after year as part of your chosen career. At home, among friends who never went to sea nor militarily deployed elsewhere, sea stories are entertaining, but in no way can they comprehend the ambiance. While videos of the such actions trigger related memories among those who have had similar experience, the videos do not do more than entertain those who have not. However, it does educate or rather stimulate some to try – the younger ones.
Talk about a hair raising event. Landing a FA-18 on the deck of a carrier, at sea, in near zero visibility, except for the last 50 yards, has to make even the must experienced Naval carrier pilot sweat his/her flight suit soaking wet under these existing weather conditions. Even if it is raining moderately hard…..