As a tyrannical decade of globalist Justin Trudeau comes to an ignominious close, a new voice has emerged in Canadian politics: Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Conservative Party. He’s Donald Trump but with a smooth, delicious, maple-syrup coating.
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Best interview from Poilievre is the one with the apple.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnEj7WLsWbk “How About Them Apples”
Best interview ever
Justin Castreau, aka Vladimir Poutene
Free Canada!*
(With Purchase of one Canada of equal or greater value)
Thank you thank you! I’ll be here all week and at Ceaser’s on Friday! Tip your bartenders.
instead of “boosting” police how about holding police accountable for breaking the laws?
If you knew anything about actual law and not the made up Sovereign Citizen “law” you spout, your statement might not be completely semantically void of content. Which it is.
Have you figured out that the Earth isn’t flat yet? Start with that and get back to us when you realize the Earth is the same shape as all the rest of the planets.
Poilievre is an excellent, principled conservative and he will win with a strong majority. Hearing the somber voices of CBC announcers yearning for new inspiring Liberals is funny. Much like the situation with Trump, the question remains, how much will he be allowed to accomplish with a hostile press and barnacled bureaucrats ? Here in Canada there is even more rot to dispose.
I don’t think it’s so much a matter of “the pendulum swinging” as it is a matter of how far the Overton Window(*1) shifts. The pendulum is going to swing. That’s natural, not particularly alarming and a matter of human nature. The fact that the pendulum seems to swing further and further in the worst possible direction and never seems to swing back again to the best possible point that worries me. The pendulum swing is not centered, it swings further Left every time. Yes, it does swing back again but not far enough. The Left controls the pendulum swing… Read more »
Poly-ev is how he pronounces it.
Actually it’s pronounced …
But who’s counting? 🙂
Scott got it the third time at 2:04 in the video
ha, ha, ha!! I’ve watched him with Jordan Peterson several times and these old worn-out American ears just hear Poly-ev!! 🙂 His interviews with Peterson are great.
One point not made is that a pendulum never should stop. Change is inevitable and with change comes a new set of responses. The three of you may wish less extreme swings, but as Scott offered, human nature may resist change but yet, paradoxically embraces and indeed seeks change as circumstances change. The point of including Mexico has merit but for that nation to change it must crush the cartels. Doing that will be enormously destructive and first create an oppressive government which will be responsible for abuse of human rights, but the fight is necessary if her general population… Read more »