Do the Democrats Need a Hero?

Trump Envy is strong on this one, as the Dems claim they don’t need no stupid hero anyway. Scott Ott has the skinny. 

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Karl Schweitzer
August 20, 2024 7:49 PM

With the laughing at leftist sock puppets and NPCs thinking they do not have leaders and their astroturf slick, pre-printed signs done… I think movements often do need leaders, a focal point that can be one voice speaking clearly, someone who can enunciate the values or demands of the movement. Sometimes those voices are from the movement and other times they are grifters (as I think Scott was implying at the end). Sometimes a movement fails because there isn’t a focal voice and other times they fail because there is, and the other side attacks the messenger, not able to… Read more »

Brother Bob
August 20, 2024 11:08 AM

The Radical Left needs a hero out of lack of any God in their lives. I was here in DC for late 2008 / early 2009 when the deification of Barry O was borderline idolatry.
After Barry moving on Lefties have tried unsuccessfully to elevate others – Hildebeast, The Notorious RBG, and even that malevolent imp, Fauci.
And every time they get faced with the reality that each of them are just flawed human beings, instead of any kind of introspection Lefties of course blame us heretic nonbelievers.

Kurt Wullenweber
August 20, 2024 8:52 AM

I believe the rise of Trump was a natural result of the Tea Party movement. I believe Trump is true to his word (he always wanted someone else to rise to be the president he knew we needed), but also read the tea leaves planted by the Tea Party movement, put together the lessons Tea Partiers were trying to bring forth and used that movement as the base of his MAGA movement. Ron DeSantis was a big part of our Jacksonville, FL Tea Party and did the same here in Florida as, first, a congressman and then Governor. I believe… Read more »

August 20, 2024 6:55 AM

Ronald Reagan was a natural born leader but he wasn’t a hero. I don’t recall anyone worshipping Reagan with blind adulation. I do recall lots of Conservatives who admired Reagan and his policies while at the same time being candid and open about his faults. One of Reagan’s mistakes cost the lives of over 200 U.S. Marines and a lot of other military people. I know, I was there (in country, not on site) when it happened. The “peacekeeper” stance the Marines were forced to adopt in Beirut in 1983 is what prevented an effective interdiction of the truck bombing… Read more »

Ron Swansons Alter Ego
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
August 20, 2024 9:59 AM

Leadership and Hero are not the same thing, but I can easily see why a leftist columnist would conflate the two. To the Left, Obama was a hero. I could say Cult Hero. Blind loyalty or fealty to a person is what they have and they project that upon us. It is why they are unable now to criticize Kamala despite her clear flaws. On the Right, we can easily discuss Reagan’s or Trump’s flaws (well most of us) because we never placed them on a pedestal. One quibble though: Dutch Reagan is credited with saving quite a few people… Read more »

Michael Owen
August 20, 2024 6:36 AM

Scott, I fully endorse your assertion that the “leader” will come from the pack to represent the will of the group, assuming the ‘”will” of the group is worthy. The Republican battles over the Speaker of the House position is a prime example of this. The idea of conservatism and its role in society is greater than any of the personalities vying for the position of Chief Cat Herder.

Karl Schweitzer
Reply to  Michael Owen
August 20, 2024 7:46 PM

I think Scott was thinking some of the leaders we see ahead of movements are opportunists that see a movement forming and get out ahead of it for their own personal glory. I think movements often do need leaders, a focal point that can be one voice speaking clearly, someone who can enunciate the values or demands of the movement. Sometimes those voices are from the movement and other times they are grifters. Sometimes a movement fails because there isn’t a focal voice and other times they fail because there is and the other side attacks the messenger, not able… Read more »

Keith Jackson
August 20, 2024 4:22 AM

Hero? What’s more obnoxious than the elevation of these mortal men to hero status than a political convention?
Especially with a sycophantic media putting heavily deified photos and “interviews” everywhere.

Last edited 28 days ago by Keith Jackson