Scott brings us surprising (to some) news: contrary to Official Facts, the number of people actually dying from natural disasters over the past 120 years is not rising at all: as a matter of act, it has plummeted. So fire up those SUVs and eat more beef!
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There is ONE very easy answer to this graph, and this group comes close to touching it. that answer is: HYDROCARBON FUELS (oil and gas) If you look at the timeline, it was just prior to 1920 that they were discovered, and began to be proliferated into the many products we use from them today. Every day we wake up in a world that tries to destroy us with natural forces. When our ancestors discovered hydrocarbon fuels, we began to fight back. We used them not just for transportation but to supply energy for both heating and cooling. And materials… Read more »
Here we go. This is going to be a long one. Settle down, get comfortable. Climates change. We adapt. We adapt better if we have more options. We have more options of we have more wealth. Everything said in the comments and the Right Angle are correct. Fewer deaths with cheaper energy (more wealth). It’s all about power. Too high CO2? Compared to what? The planet was fine at 2000 ppm (0.02%) Levels 5000 ppm (0.05%) can cause issues over hours of exposure. And people adapt to different oxygen levels, sometimes genetically. Why not CO2? And the things said about “too… Read more »
All very true. What beggars my comprehension are the frantic warnings about the planet becoming a blistering hot desert. Earth has never been in the state a large fraction of warming alarmists predict. There’s no fossil record of any such thing. In fact, just the opposite. As warmth and CO2 increase life thrives. Up to a point but since the eruption of the Siberian Traps, the Deccan Traps and the Colombian basalt flood the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has never been a hindrance to life. We human beings just are not capable of unleashing anything that severe. If… Read more »
When I was in high school, these climate change crackpot charlatans were warning of the coming ice age. I must have slept in late that day, because I completely missed that ice age.
Scott – I am sure that I mis-heard you when you said “biosphere” and I heard “BIAS-Sphere”, but I will credit you with coining that brilliant word to describe the information bubble we all tend to surround ourselves in and with. It fit so well into what you were talking about.
Ian Plimer wrote an excellent book a good 20 years ago, now, called: Global Warming: The Missing science. His massive studies of ice core samples expressed one MAJOR truth – the warmest inter-glacial periods have ALWAYS been the healthiest times for ALL living organisms on the planet. Yet modern communists posing as climate experts now claim an increase of 1.5c will destroy the planet???? And your evidence for this claim is where? As Bill has exposed recently, the planet is 15% greener than a decade ago? And this additional green plant growth area is where? Decreasing the size of deserts??… Read more »
We all know that poverty does not allow people to protect themselves from natural disasters for a plethora of reasons: people cannot evade the tornado because they possess ineffective transportation, people cannot survive the cold because they cannot afford to heat a shelter, people do not have access to clean water, people do not have access to sufficient food, etc…. Ergo, wealth offsets the vulnerabilities inherent in our human form. Conversely, decadence is likely the most significant reason for the elevated death rates in the “upper middle class” nations that Scott mentions. If people have excess wealth, the temptations for… Read more »
It is not wealth that is the answer- it is abundant energy in a usable form. If you have energy, you do not need wealth. Energy can be used to supply any needs. I can use it to shape things, to make things, to power things, to heat and cool things. Wealth is a secondary thing, and only used to transfer to others to buy things they used energy to manufacture or collect.
Actually, since you are quibbling over semantics and definitions, let me be clear … wealth is required for what you describe. Wealth comes in many forms, including finances and knowledge, both of which provide opportunity. That said, energy availability is a consequence of wealth — not the other way around.
It’s not exactly capitalism that caused these miracles of survival of the last 120 years. It’s petroleum, and the medical industry and modern agriculture it built. That’s how people survive natural disasters. Remove this and we’re back 120 years ago.
Petroleum and hydrocarbon energy would never have made the impact that it has without an economic system that incentivized drilling, refining, distribution and application/consumption. That economic system is capitalism. People seeking to better their lives by economic gain and financial security used petroleum as a vehicle. Capitalism allowed petroleum to be exploited for energy, not the other way around. Capitalism used petroleum, not petroleum used capitalism. You have your causality reversed. Petroleum has absolutely contributed greatly to the overall betterment of mankind. Not the least which is its contribution to human survival of natural disasters. But it’s not the only… Read more »
So, are you telling us that the communists who use petroleum are not using it to make their lives better? Capitalism advanced the use of petroleum much faster, but you are mistaken to state it does not also make the lives of communists, fascists, and even feudal lords better. Petroleum is the key.
Whenever someone says “So are you telling us …?” or “So you’re saying that …” or anything similar — It means they’re about to try to distort and reframe what was said. That’s a marker of a strawman argument. It’s a sneaky and underhanded demi-intellectual gambit that only works if people aren’t aware you’re doing it. I didn’t say that, you did and you said it so that you could attribute your own bullshit to me and attack it. Air makes the lives of communists and capitalists better too. So does water. And food. Air, water and food are not… Read more »
Just remember that the people of the climate cult are the same Malthusians who think the planet is over-populated by at least a factor of 2.
They are Solarans and want the right sized, and right minded population only.
And never forget they are entitled to their opinions but you are not.
Y’all are missing the point. The people who cry doom over climate change do not consider increased human survival and prosperity desirable. They want as many people to die as possible, as long as it’s not them. Fewer people dying is a negative to that sort of person. If that were not so then they wouldn’t be doing everything they can to make sure as many poor people die as possible. People are starving to death because the climate change alarmists are making energy both more expensive and less available. Don’t look at what they say, look at what they… Read more »
I’ve said this before, as you know. This is the same thinking behind being anti fossil fuels. The more energy, the more prosperity. The cheaper the energy, the less fatalities among the poor and unfortunate. The Dems, the party of the ones who want to stick it to the rich, actually want the poorest to die.
100% absolutely, positively, inarguable, exactly correct. There’s a simple in principle if not actual practice way to solve all of our energy needs until something better comes along. We started out burning animal dung, then wood, then coal, then natural gas. Now we can pull energy from the very essence of the atom. Nuclear power is basically free energy after the infrastructure is created and what comes next will be better, cleaner and even more abundant. Abundant cheap energy means that mankind thrives. When people thrive they care about their environment and do things to improve it. When they’re starving… Read more »
Anyone who is not aware yet that this whole Climate fiasco has always been about acquiring power and wealth for those in government and their best buddies is willfully blind.