During D-Day operations in World War II, British and American engineers constructed two completely artificial HARBORS, the remains of which can be seen to this day. Meanwhile, in Gaza, an immensely richer and more powerful United States Military cannot build a simple PIER without it (in the immortal words of Monty Python) burning down, falling over and sinking into the swamp. Not a good look for a Superpower.
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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) grills Sec. Lloyd Austin about the Gazza pier…we have American ‘boots on the ground’. https://youtu.be/5eeL-bm6rCo?si=Zwy5sFyTocSYb_n1
For far less money than went into a lost pier and lost aid supplies that material could have been delivered right there on the beach by other means. This was nothing but political theater, grandstanding with our money to pander for votes that probably will not have a significant effect anyway. Pandering to the Muslim community in Michigan ALSO has the effect of encouraging any radicalized proto-terrorists. Hell, if the U.S. Government is OK with supporting terrorism and murder by sending aid to Hamas, which is all that was actually accomplished, then why shouldn’t a Michigan Jihadi follow his government’s… Read more »
Bill, you mentioned the failed hostage rescue attempt during the Carter Administration. At that time I was finishing up a Bachelor’s degree at University of Tennessee, supporting myself by bartending at the largest hotel in Knoxville. There was planned an “energy Expo” to be held in Knoxville; eventually a crashing lack of interest led the planners at relabel the event as a World’s Fair. Anyway. Jimmy Carter was to make an appearance on behalf of the energy thing, and that eveing at my bar I had the company of a Secret Service agent, who was there, I imagine, to do… Read more »
I have every confidence that the Biden Administration can repeat the Berlin Airlift and D-Day at the same time. Come November every lost ballot is going to turn up where it’s needed.
OK, that was pretty funny! 300 Quatloos for you.
400 Quatloos and my second best thrall.
5 Latinum bars awarded you are…
Well now that I know the military can’t even hand out Happy Meals, I feel even worse about losing all my guns in that swamp full of starving alligators.
Praise God that He prevented US from aiding & abetting those terrorist God-haters! Polls showed that 85% of Gazans not merely supported Hamas, but supported the October attacks. There are no innocent people in Gaza.
Carter’s rescue debacle was the first thing that came to my mind. The Demonrat Trojan Horse always degrades our military (and economic, and moral, and spiritual, and…) strength. Nobody achieves a nearly 100% proficiency like that without hard work, and devoted dedication to their cause. They are traitors. If it was merely incompetence, then they should do SOMETHING that helps America, if only by accident.
A recent Harvard CAPS/Harris poll also shows that 80% of Americans are behind Israel and against Hamas. More than 3/4ths of Americans support what the Israeli military is doing in Gaza. 85% of Gazans asked for it, 80% of Americans are all for giving them what they asked for.
Seems reasonable to me.
The Biden Regime explained in one meme:
It isn’t just building a pier on the eastern side of the Med. Oh, no, gentlemen. It’s much more pervasive than that. Remember when we could build a couple of buildings, say the size of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan? Construction started in 1968 and was completed in 1973. The “new” World Trade Center — ONE building — began construction in 2006 (a full 5 years after 9/11) and finalized construction (apart from the observatory) in 2013. This is America’s answer to the worst terror attack on US soil in history. With all the environmental wrangling, political infighting,… Read more »
It does exist for people who are good at moving like a knight on a chessboard. See the last episode.
How far have we fallen?
The Empire State Building construction started on 17 Mar 1930. It opened 410 DAYS later!
Built largely by men who didn’t wear harnesses or hard-hats, walking on naked girders 300 ft above the ground.
We were giants in those days…
Steve Green is absolutely correct in that the entire operation seems to have been to deliver votes, not aid. What is most disheartening is that there were other, lets say less politically acceptable, methods that could have been used instead of the JLOTS system. BTW, this guy has an excellent breakdown (no pun intended) of the the aid ops beaching. And, sadly, shows that the best system that would have worked was laid up in storage and couldn’t be recalled fast enough to deal with the situation. What’s Going On With Shipping also highlights this at the end of the… Read more »
Yeah, this beast would have made short work of the problem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USNS_Montford_Point
I looked it up (because my uncle Ben graduated from there) and West Point describes itself as a preeminent school for Civil and Mechanical Engineering.
Ben, a casualty of Agent Orange, would roll over in his grave.
Not many naval engineers at West Point, either. The system used wasn’t meant for open sea beaches. It was designed to replace a damaged pier in a war torn harbor. USN had options that simply were ignored.
And that’s the result of allowing scum like Spenser Rapone to graduate from West Point in 2016, with a Che Guevara t-shirt under his uniform. The US Army couldn’t even bring itself to charge this communist-worshiper with sedition. Instead, Rapone “quit” the US Army with an “Other Than Honorable” discharge (read an “administrative” discharge) after two YEARS of his communist rantings. The Army can’t even kick out card-carrying communists effectively.
I retired from the US Army not quite 30 years ago and I am APPALLED at the current condition of this once-honorable service.