When he’s not preaching friendly neighborhood socialism, Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz was an unfriendly neighborhood fascist when he called out the Minnesota National Guard to ‘light up’ regular, law-abiding people in their own homes. Steve Green has the shocking footage as we examine just what kind of authoritarian tyrant the Democrats want a heartbeat away from doing this with FEDERAL troops.
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Imagine what would have happened if any of those folks had fired back.
people should fight the SEATBELT laws with equal passion. EVERYONE/COPS that are “just following orders” are NO different than the Nazis that burned Jews. 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256: The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be In agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows: The… Read more »
I already covered this in a previous reply, you’re just repeating yourself, or more likely just copying and pasting something you mistakenly think profoundly supports your anti-American agenda. You are a sheep in wolf’s clothing that cherry picks things out of context and mis-cites the statutory laws you falsely claim you have the right to refuse to obey. While it is true that any statute found to be un-Constitutional is properly rendered null and void as though it never existed, YOU DO NOT GET TO MAKE THAT DETERMINATION and thereby decide which laws you will and will not obey. There… Read more »
Hi Steve,
Remember, Communists and Fascists are both leftists. Fascists are to the right of Communists since Fascists will allow private ownership of production (as long as you do what the Fascist government says). That is why Communists call Fascists right wing. No need to apologize. They are all of the same stripe.
What would Minnesotans do if the people on their own porch of their own home were minorities?
Burning, rioting, looting, cries of racism and oppression, etc.
Ever notice which side tends to do this, and which side doesn’t?🤔😏😆
Was not (pre-) X still under the Wokenazi cabal during Covid and could have blacklisted this video from sharing for a time? Could that be why we did not hear about it when the Chinese were locking people in?
You need(ed) better news resources. My wife is from Hong Kong, and we were watching the feeds from Apple Media. No, not that one. The news publishing corporation based in HK. Now defunct because the communists shut it down and jailed the publisher/owner for defying the propaganda of Beijing. And, you know, telling the truth. We had live daily feeds of Chinese citizens being locked in their homes by having their steel front doors WELDED SHUT!! Beatings by police, forced hospitalization by “sanitary patrols” in white tyvek suits, and more. They also covered the goings-on in the US, including the… Read more »
In the end is there really a difference between communism and fascism…
They both start out the same…what’s good for the state is good for you…
but if you don’t buy into their bullshit IT”S BAD FOR YOU…
those idiots who buy into it try to shame the thinkers…
Here I am, preaching to the choir…
As if we needed another reason to dislike Waltz, he supports pedos.
Steve is absolutely right: capitalism is what we do naturally, trade our various skills and talents for money to pay others whose skills or talents we require but don’t possess. DEI is killing that, of course.
Here’s an even more horrifying thought – given Coupmala’s unlikability, stupidity, and drunkenness, maybe Waltz is the intended candidate to install in the White House?
You better believe that he’ll be waiting for the day when he can dispatch squadrons with more than paintballs
Check out the video thumbnail … Has anyone else noticed how much Tim Walz looks like Benito Mussolini?
Has anyone checked to see if the trains in Minneapolis run on time?
He has declared that they are always on time.
Does that count?😏😆
The trains identified as on time.
Lol, for some reason I was thinking more about lamp posts than trains. Dunno why … 😉