On this edition of Hot Mic, host Bill Whittle breaks down why this is Autopen issue is not just about the legality of many of Joe Biden’s pardons… it’s about the usurpation of the most powerful authority on the planet by a simple and compact machine and whoever has access to it.

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Bill Thompson
March 23, 2025 5:22 AM

The autopen sounds like a modern version of the chopmarks used in Japan and China for official signatures. (High quality stamps, essentially…you’ve seen ’em.) In Korea they use thumbprints as official signatures.
Having the autopen in the personal possession of the President seems like a good idea. Possession or use by others being a major crime. Also, perhaps an autopen signature with an intentional difference. (Say, the final ‘p’ in Trump with a return loop that DJT doesn’t use.)

Thad Balmas
March 21, 2025 3:04 PM

The best to Natasha…

Randy Jones
March 21, 2025 12:42 PM

Why not just make the AutoPen tied to a biometric pass? A thumb print of something. It could ‘sign’ the document only if the thumb of finger-print was applied. It could also log that the correct fingerprint is used to activate the pen. there could be a way to confirm the user was actually the president.

Kurt Wullenweber
Reply to  Randy Jones
March 22, 2025 8:45 AM

I’ve seen quite a few movies with latex gloves embossed with fingerprints and digitally reproduced retinal scans. How about a requirement ALL legally binding Presidential signatures must be witnessed by a multipartisan representative team? (including an official rep from EVERY political party represented in congress) End the autopen for ALL legally binding signatures.

Rich Ouellette
March 21, 2025 9:03 AM

Think of autopen like a notary stamp, each use comes with a entry into the ledger, signatures (from interested parties AND notary +/or witness(es)), and usually a thumbprint. This could be handled so easily these days via a smartphone app w/biometrics +/or blockchain. Question: This is required for what some might consider trivial private matters – so why the #$%^& is this NOT mandatory for NATIONAL matters of the Federal & State gubMints!? Answer: Corruption – on a grand scale. Biden hasn’t had an independent thought (nor a normal bowel movement) in 4 years. He is and has been an… Read more »

March 21, 2025 7:50 AM

As Bill pointed out, it’s a matter of provenance. He was also digging for the phrase “chain of custody” which is a deterministic aspect in the legality of evidence. Evidence is not valid if it cannot be proven how it came into being and irrefutable proof provided of who had access and control of it. For instance — If the cops raid your house and find a machinegun (assuming you don’t have a Class C Firearms Licence), they confiscate the weapon as evidence against you. A paperwork trail of that evidence begins immediately. The address and location in the building… Read more »

Reply to  Harry Ferguson
March 21, 2025 2:52 PM

LOL@ “fink”. C’mon Harry, my little sister comes up with better than that on a daily basis and she likes me. Too. Except when I try to steal her puppy. Which I do often, it’s a cute puppy. 🙂 Proof-wise … If Biden was at the beach, on the golf course or out of the country at the time the autopen was wielded — That’s some pretty solid grounds to say he didn’t know it was being used. It doesn’t prove it but it’s a step in the right direction. Of course he’ll say he intended it to be used… Read more »

Donald Lehoux
March 21, 2025 6:26 AM

pardons are NOT a “duty” just a privilege

Donald Lehoux
March 21, 2025 6:24 AM

The Presidents ONLY duty is to protect the order, to prevent borders between the states and sign treaties. Those are the ONLY duties of the President

Rich Ouellette
Reply to  Donald Lehoux
March 21, 2025 8:59 AM

Meh, my opinion, understated. POTUS serves as the head of state government, commander-in-chief, and chief federal executive. POTUS is tasked w/executing federal law, appointing federal (executive, diplomatic, regulatory, and judicial) officers, and granting pardons/reprieves. POTUS is required to report to Congress annually on the state of the union. POTUS can propose legislation and veto bills. POTUS has the power to negotiate treaties, and can issue executive orders that have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. POTUS plays a significant role in the legislative process, crafting/promoting legislative agenda. As such, the overall scope of… Read more »

Reply to  Donald Lehoux
March 21, 2025 2:34 PM

I just love it when you folks from alternate universes drop by to tell us all how things work so much differently in the weird reality you inhabit. In THIS universe … The President has a lot of duties and powers not just restricted to those you personally think he should hold. Clearly you have not read the U.S. Constitution or you’d already know that. You’d also know that not only are the President’s powers and duties laid out in basic form in the U.S. Constitution but also there is a huge body of statutory law, every bit as valid… Read more »

Last edited 4 days ago by ACTS (TM)
Donald Lehoux
March 21, 2025 6:22 AM

No one alive signed the Constitution so is anyone actually obligated to follow the Constitution? Jimmy Carter died so is Trump obligated to honor the Treaty Jimmy Carter signed?

Tim Scott
Reply to  Donald Lehoux
March 21, 2025 12:21 PM

Once it is a legally binding contract (like the Constitution or some treaty signed and approved by the Senate), then it is in effect until something supersedes it. So, it does not matter if the original parties to the contract are alive or not.

The point I think Mr. Whittle was making is: at the time the contract is signed, is the person or machine signing it the legally authorized signatory? If not, then the contract (law, pardon, lease, whatever) is not legally binding nor enforceable.

Reply to  Donald Lehoux
March 21, 2025 2:38 PM

That’s just silly. If what you were saying had any validity no Last Will and Testament could ever be enforced. After all, the person who signed and left the will is by definition dead. You really didn’t think that one through very far, did you lil’ Donny?

Stanley Hall
March 21, 2025 5:54 AM

I sampled Natalia’s Deep Relaxation! Beautiful! I have a number of these ambient music videos. I will watch/listen to hers as well. Thanks for the heads up and congratulate her for a job well done! I look forward to hearing more!