Red woolen tunics and Pith Helmets in the brutal heat of Natal Province… Tuxedos in a sweltering early evening event in the India during the Raj… Facing the worst imaginable privations as they pushed for the South Pole… and through it all the sheer discipline required! That is why the sun never set on the British Empire! That is why There Will Always Be an England!
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Mr Husbandperson returned from his last UK foray with M&S mince pies and Christmas pudding. They remain untouched. He continues to request sprouts for most meals during the festive season. It’s hogmanay tomorrow and I intend to suggest we truly light that pudding, after he’s full of “gravy”. I’m gonna light that thing on the fire pit in the back yard to welcome in the new year. There will always be an England. Thank goodness, or we Scots would have nobody to mock.
Since we’re poking at the Brits, perhaps we can lay the blame for the continued broken menus on these varied pages. These menus are still refusing to be manly and step into the foreground — kinda like the UK’s continual deference to so many others in the culture wars, vax-worship and climate change pseudoscience (ref. https://youtu.be/zA46UkV3Uag?si=_6WDK-D6JKGGdFXa).
Yes, and I love how the Brits are the first, and most adept, at poking fun at themselves! I never get tired of watching “Monty Python” and the like…
Merry Christmas, everyone…