On the eve of the 2024 Election, Bill Whittle manages to make sense of the shocking realignment that we are seeing happening right before our eyes. It’s no longer about Republicans vs Democrats or Conservatives vs Liberals: the new reality is that this is an election pitting the Insiders against the Outsiders. To prove his point, Bill takes a look at the last TWENTY presidential elections to discover a shocking pattern that has been hiding in plain sight all along.
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Thanks so much for the new way to look at all of this… the graph was astonishing! Just seeing it laid out this way makes so much sense! Your reasons for determining which “camp” each president fell into made good sense to me. You are (my favorite compliment to give) a ROCKSTAR Bill Whittle! Give my best to Hot Mic (:
Spot on, Bill. Are the country and our allegiance to the Constitution enough? I have asked people, placing themselves as though they were elected to office, what is their primary duty, and without exception they say to “represent their constituents.” Then I ask what does that person do as the first act…silence. The answer is swearing an oath and what that oath contains is NOTHING about representing one’s constituents but of defending the Constitution. One swears by one’s honor to uphold and defend it, yet few have read the document, much less understood much of its contents. Outsiders understand this… Read more »
Excellent analysis. Read “A Conflict of Visions,” by Dr. Thomas Sowell, for more insight into this.
I enjoy the creative “Hot Mike” portraits.
I think the latest polls showed Kamala having a ‘trust with the economy’ score over 40%. Nearly 50% believe her when she says Trump will jail political enemies, completely dismissing the inane, flimsily excused jailings of many enemies of the Left.
The swamp must be drained or the Republic is gone.
I’m not looking at the vote tally like last time, when I went to bed happy Trump had emerged victorious only to find out he got creamed by the “Weekend with Bernie” guy.
Every bit of this is accurate and true. This kind of analysis and insight is exactly what drew me to Bill Whittle in the first place. I’ve had a problem with the Republican Party for decades, it’s just that they have generally been the less awful of two choices. Along came the “Tea Party” which was actually a sub-party of the Republicans. The “Tea Party” was homing* in on the mark, it was a substantial improvement on the RINOs and a move back towards Conservative principles but it didn’t quite hit the target. If you’re a “Tea Partier” don’t get… Read more »
Thanks for honing my language skills, homing me towards better writing
LOL, you know those pet peeves some people have that just irritate the begeeses out of them? GW Bushisms and Archie Bunkerisms are mine. As are people who do things like pronounce “nuclear” as “new-kew-ler”. There is only ONE freakin’ “u” in “nuclear”. Which was also something ol’ GW did all the time. He’s not the only one either, I hear that stuff a lot and cringe every time it comes out of a mouth that really ought to know better. You’d think that people who speak and write for a living could get that correct but if you thought… Read more »
The only problem with this analysis is that the insiders have a massive pool of clients beholden to them flooding across our boarder. Aristocrats must have their mercenary armies to keep the citizens from getting uppity, and so far they seem to be winning on that score.
I’ve been thinking that most of our internal problems (both as a country and western civilization in general) are a result of elites trying to hold onto their little privileges for years. Even transgenderism is the result of elites trying to manufacture a new insecure dependent class to replace all those ungrateful brown people who aren’t supporting the elite anymore.
Thank you Bill for clarifying what I have been thinking for quite some time.
F’n A, bill.