Good news, everyone! Congress has voted to ensure that the Trump tax cuts stay in place. Bad news, everyone! Despite the gutting of the previous Congressional Resolution on December 19th, the desire of both Democrats and Republicans to spend us into Oblivion does not seem to have abated.
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I first got excited, really excited, that the budget would be balanced and common sense would prevail back when Newt Gingrich proposed the “Contract with America”. Color me disillusioned now, thirty years later. The government figured out that, as long as we’re the world’s default currency, we can spend anything we want to because, …, well, …, who’s going to call in the balance? There are threats to the dollar coming from the Saudi-backed alternative. Bitcoin could play a role in the dollar taking a back seat as well. We can dream that the federal government will abdicate money (power).… Read more »
Australia has tried to use the paying people two years pay to go. It’s actually called “go away money”. The public servants spend it campaigning for free for the other party. You then loose and they are rehired. You need to eliminate the need by making them crowd funded entrepreneur doing the public goods. And yes they will try to do silly things. Some will even get funded but none of that is in the deficit.
There are a lot of things that work differently here in the U.S. than they do in Australia. With the amount of money running around in American politics I seriously doubt people doing volunteer work for a political party because they were given “go away money” is going to make a significant difference in election outcomes. We have a lot of volunteers anyway, especially on the Democrat side where gullible people are convinced via hysteria and hyperbole to contribute their own time and resources to political campaigning. You know, to “save Democracy from Actual Hitler” and that kind of thing… Read more »
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There are no ads being served from or injected by on video content on this site. Assuming you’re logged into your account and not just watching as a guest, and you’d have to be logged in to post a comment, if you’re seeing ads here they’re coming from somewhere else. Somewhere that Bill and Co. have no control over and make no revenue from. Somewhere that your browser or device itself is getting them from because — I haven’t got any script or ad blockers running on this site and I see no ads at all on any of… Read more »
Well said Gentlemen! We need to focus on the Constitution, specifically the 10th Amendment, which essentially says, if it’s not specified int the Constitution, it is not a federal function. This includes education, energy, health care, and many many other issues!
I agree with Steve ALL of congress are cowards.
Scott, I like your suggestion about having Congress tell the President how much he has to spend, and then forcing the President to make the choices. That might actually work…except for idiots like AOC and Pencil-Neck Schiff.