That steely-eyed Lawman didn’t just ride the border this past election… he done FLIPPED it! Scott Ott brings us the magnificent magnitude of Trump’s victory in the border counties of the good ol’ U.S.of A!
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Well done, Gentlemen. Bravo!!
In our white neighborhood surrounding the university [read heavily D], our hispanic neighbors wanted a sign (a huge one for their new fence on a busy street) for the hispanic conservative running for our State House seat. Their biggest beef? Her parents are legal immigrants, These “newcomers” are cheaters. The conservative won. Heh. Did we take the sign down on Wednesday? No. Because, as our neighbor agreed: We’re petty. And we’re right.
The Dems got the result of democracy, mob rule with in their own party. Americans got the result of a Constitutional Republic
“..you don’t own me …”
Once the ice is broken, it’s easier to vote non democrat in the future.
I know y’all are getting tired of me saying how much I don’t like Donald Trump as a person but I voted for him anyway because I like him a lot as a President. And there’s the fact that the other choices are way, way worse for America but put all that aside for a minute. Donald Trump has been a pathfinder when America really needed to be shown the way. In spite of the things I don’t like about his personality, and they are many, and the things I think were grievous unforced errors he committed during his first… Read more »
I know the “They are not after me, they are after you and I am just in the way” slogan is quite popular, but the other way I’ve looked at the political situation is that he isn’t the one throwing the brick through the window, he IS the brick WE are throwing. Starting really before, but getting noticed, was the movement that became the TEA party. When that message wasn’t heard and we were given a giant buffet of candidate options, we picked the one most not like the others. I kinda like thinking we picked the roughest one in… Read more »
Yeah, I think the TEA Party got the ball rolling in the right direction and accomplished some very good things in the meanwhile. It had a genuine effect and these things move very slowly. I don’t think we’d be where we are today if not for the TEA Party and like minded people. I was never a “member” of the TEA Party and have never personally known anyone who would call themselves such. I never saw the nominal TEA Party do anything I disagreed with either so maybe I’m an honorary member and just don’t know it. A lot of… Read more »
It almost sounds like you like Donald Trump lol
When he first ran, like a lot of other Conservatives I didn’t like him at all for any reason. He was still the far lesser of two evils but he was a political unknown and that meant he had the significant potential to be a loose cannon on the gun deck. Still, the way I described the situation was a choice between a clown and a crook and that meant I had to vote for the clown. I grew up in Minnesota, not known for Conservatism but what most non-Minnesotans don’t know is those hotbeds of Leftism in Minnesota are… Read more »
I’m a young ‘un compared to you, but I’ve enjoyed reading your comments here for awhile. When I was born, Reagan was already distant political history. I came to political awareness in around 2010, educated on a steady diet of Afterburners and Firewalls from our mutual friend Bill. I’ve listened to Reagan’s speeches, and I love and admire him for his wit, charm, and elegance. But, I also go looking through the spaces on the internet that are completely infested with Leftists, and I listen to them talk when they don’t think they have anything to hide. I don’t think… Read more »
You got a good education if you got it from Bill. This is the only political site I subscribe to and there’s good reasons for that. I don’t always agree with “the guys” on every single point but there’s never any hyperbolic, bucolic, dispetic nonsense that comes out of their mouths either. If that ever starts up, I’m outta here. Andrew Klavan is pretty good too. Especially as a voice of reason. Bill and Klavan have a fun relationship that goes way back. You are absolutely right that the Democrats were different back in Reagan’s day than they are now.… Read more »
armed people crossing your back yard in the middle of the night and if you shoot them the cops WILL arrest YOU for defending yourself just like they did Kyle Rettinghouse with EVIDENCE that it was self defense and still the COP conspired to deprive him off his rights
Yet as many as 4.7 MILLION times a year a firearm is used defensively and in the vast majority of those cases no “COP conspired to deprive him ‘off’ (sic) his rights”. It’s not the cops that are the problem, it’s the political systems controlling the cops. Cherry picking one prominent failure and ignoring everything else is the act of someone with an agenda. BTW, you write like an ignoramus and what you write supports that conclusion. Even if most of what you say weren’t imbecilic the way you say it gives no one any good reason to heed you.… Read more »
Nah, it wasn’t the cops that threw him on the ground and beat him up (because that did not happen, even when he tried to turn himself in) but the leftist DA that created that circus. The cops not arresting him was one of the things the BurnLootMurder group was angry about.
As has often been pointed out, if you have to make things up and lie you don’t have anything solid to stand on. The “make things up” nonsense is always the mark of a manipulator. This “COP conspired” stuff is exactly on a par with Jussie Smollett’s hoax. It’s invented out of thin air to manipulate people and it should be disdained and condemned in the same manner and for the same reasons. We don’t need this stuff on our side, this is more harmful than helpful to us. Because it’s not true, it’s not real and it’s not intended… Read more »
I’m freaked out by how many potential terrorist cells came over the border. I can’t believe the Left would allow this, sacrificing security for appearing welcoming in spite of knowing terrorism will kill Americans. Better to feel good, pretend you’re Joan of Arc.
Looking at the image of Trump on a horse reminded me of “Blazing Saddles”. Only Trump’s white and the town is Latino. I guess the Gene Wilder character is Senator Cruz?
Scott – the reason for your emotion is similar to Bill’s the night of the election.
Being a good man you get an emotional response to people being treated with respect and told that they matter.
This is the campaign that Trump ran.
I went to one of his last rallys.
He was charming, respectful and full of real plans.
Everyone felt like he was speaking right to us.
I am sure that your coworker feels the same.
That is worthy of emotion!