Bill Whittle, Scott Ott and Steve Green bring you three different perspectives on three of the week’s top stories, with penetrating analysis, assorted-grade humor, and just a pinch of artisanally-selected, steel-cut snark; plus, an informal, wide-ranging, hour-long Member’s Only Backstage show: every week, without fail, since 2009.

A Union of Distrust

“We are in a low-trust moment, and it binds Right and Left together,” says a GOP pollster writing in The New York Times. Doesn’t sound exactly optimal to us.

Time to Die, D.E.I.

The Wall Street Journal is referring to DEI as ‘a business fad.’ We should be so lucky.

Attack of the Drones

The US Government almost certainly knows EXACTLY what they are and have elected not to disclose this to the American people.