Elon Musk and SpaceX have spent a decade preparing to put men on the planet Mars — and he’s been doing it alone. Now, with his remarkable Second Inaugural speech, it sounds like Elon’s new BFF has committed the United States of America toward reaching that same incredible goal.
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Hi guys. Will you do a segment about the opening of the White House press corp to alternate media. Trump’s press secretary said so this week. an Asian woman.made this possible. Maybe you can check her out.
Nelson Guzman .
Considering the theatrics that happen when anything goes awry on Earth, still leaving us with breathable air and water to drink, I can’t imagine many people will be prepared for the privation the trip to Mars and any attempt to camp there will bring. I live on a mountain lake and frequently realize I might not last a month – even with my stocked pantry – if s*it went down.” Count me out of the curious-enough-to-go crowd.
If you live at such a remote location and worry about “not lasting the month even with” your stocked pantry, you might want to consider increasing your stocks of consumables!
To say, a three or six month surplus of emergency rations?
Mountain, lake, winter, SHTF…those could compound in all sorts of nasty ways. Leaving you desperate.
The old saying holds true: Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it!
Prepare accordingly.
I hope to hell the flag in the picture isn’t the one planted on Mars. That flag has 28 stars and 11 stripes. The U.S. flag has 50 stars and 13 stripes. I don’t know what that abomination is but it’s not our Stars and Stripes.
C’mon Bill, it’s the AMERICAN FLAG, get it right or don’t use it at all.
Blame AI. Notoriously inept at counting things like stripes, fingers, extremities, etc.
Something bas happened to thai video audio?
Thai video audio?
It all played fine here. Stop picking on the thais, you racist 😉
I LOVE Thailand and most of it’s citizens! Was just there in November 24, at a grand opening of a factory.
Rushing a comment is never a good idea with a bad combo of arthritic fingers, teeny keyboard keys and a bad case of Elroy Jetson A.D.D. and autocorrect? Glad the video played for you guys. Mine kept playing at a weird 2 or 3x speed and not consistent. Never ever seen that before on Brave or Chrome. I’ll check again!
Never been there, love the food though. There’s a local Thai restaurant that I try to get to at least a couple times a year. I like spicy stuff and always get the 5 pepper version.