Remember those doomsday predictions about human population numbers spelling the end for Civilization As We Know It? It’s starting to look like they were right for the wrong reason: the world is facing not a baby boom but a planet-wide Baby Bust, the dire consequences of which are only now beginning to become apparent. 

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Maryanne Sheryka
May 21, 2024 4:10 AM

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.”
Psalm 127:3

May 20, 2024 8:20 PM

One way to help the population problem is to end the “heads I win, tails you lose” proposition faced by men for the past several decades. Marrying Western women is the most dangerous threat arrayed against men. Men are not stupid. They are merely minimizing their risks.

It’s all very wonderful for the arrogant blowhards to cajole younger men into risking their futures for a 50% chance at happiness vs. a 50% chance of total ruin. Once the culture swings back to make marriage less of a minefield for men, men will respond accordingly.

Ron Swansons Alter Ego
May 20, 2024 1:52 PM

So, I will admit that this is not a topic on which I have spent much time pondering. I always thought that people would figure out a way to feed the population. I consider the climate change cult an offshoot of the cult of population boom disaster. It’s all we are killing the planet and there are too many of us. That said I ask the following: What is the problem with a stable population? Why do we NEED an ever increasing population? It seems that we are doing much more in what were once labor intensive tasks thanks to… Read more »

Karin Thomas
May 20, 2024 10:29 AM


May 20, 2024 8:44 AM

Gentlemen, this is not a new idea. Norman Borlaug predicted, or rather recited the findings of the demographic scientists, that the world population would top out around year 2065. That was around 2005. Borlaug was of course the incredible man who fostered the Green revolution, and his message was optimistic; that, using technology available at that time, the world could feed that peak population in 2065, utilizing only the land that was currently under cultivation. Sadly, I do agree that humans don’t handle success well. I lived for 36 years in New York City, and the political culture was in… Read more »

Brother Bob
May 20, 2024 6:39 AM

That is an interesting notion that Bill makes, “Too much prosperity is bad for us”
Prosperity is the disease, and Democrats are the cure.

R.J. Koon
May 19, 2024 9:22 PM

Do you think that the dreaded ‘Global Warming’ scare has anything to do with the decrease in child production?

It seems that children have been traumatized by constant barrage of negative information for decades and I hear fairly often that potential parents are reluctant to ‘bring children into this world of strife’.

Just a thought.

Karl Schweitzer
Reply to  R.J. Koon
May 20, 2024 3:41 PM

In some countries, particularly the Western ones with our poor excuse for media, that probably is a big part of the reason. I would not expect that to be a factor in Africa, where immunizations, increasing prosperity, and other social factors are doing for them what happened in the west about a century ago.

Jack Durish
May 19, 2024 5:05 PM

Here’s a slightly different take on the “why.” Why are people having less children? Maybe it’s because we have coddled our children to the point that they don’t want to surrender the privilege of being children to other children. So long as they remain children, they won’t want to birth children for fear that they will have to grow up.

Brother Bob
Reply to  Jack Durish
May 20, 2024 6:41 AM

Just as bad are the parents who refuse to stop being children

Kurt Wullenweber
May 19, 2024 12:05 PM

I get to be the first name modern feminism as another great killer of baby production, both by actual murder and, primarily, through brainwashing the masses of young girls through our education systems, entertainment, internet and democrats.
My wife and her two sisters were raised by a hateful feminist who taught then having children was the WORST thing they could possibly do and having a child in your womb is WORSE than a tumor. It must be removed – NOW!!

Last edited 9 months ago by Kurt Wullenweber