A supercut of all of the left-wing media talking heads ASSURING US that Joe Biden, Man of Uncommon Principle, would NEVER pardon his son Hunter, would run for a full half-hour. Turns out that Biden allegedly always knew he would pardon his son if push came to shove — and it did — and so left countless liberal commentators, political allies and press secretaries with bus-sized tire tracks down their backs.
How many of YOU fell for it?
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One minor point of contention to this post’s premise – it’s not how stupid they think we are; it’s how stupid they think their base is.
The funny thing is I used to consume legacy media regularly. I used to subscribe to WaPo mainly for opposition research, read the Economist for its outside perspective on US politics, and every morning over breakfast I’d watch a different news channel – Fox News twice a week, CNN for one, MSNBC another, and the 5th day would be either CNN or MSNBC, or during football season ESPN on Mondays to hear Mike & Mike break down the NFL. Fast forward to today. We only get the Sunday WaPo because Sister Babe likes to read it over breakfast & coffee.… Read more »
The way I see it, it’s not really a matter of how stupid anyone thinks the rest of us are. It’s been my studied experience that most people do not understand or acknowledge that anyone could be smarter than they are. There’s a wall that they can’t see over BECAUSE they’re limited by their own grasp. What matters is the abysmal stupidity betrayed by those who in a position of “authority” tried to convince us all that what they believed about Joe Biden’s veracity was the actual situation. I think they believed what they were saying when they said it.… Read more »
The one theory I am inclined to believe is that Hunter’s lawyers told Joe etal that either he pardon Hunter for everything past and future, or they would bring the house down.
I don’t often agree with Scott because, frankly, he’s just too soft for my way of thinking. BUT — he’s absolutely on point regarding KJP. This is a woman (I think) who is clearly beyond her Peter-principled POV, but she doggedly hangs in there as the lapdog of an incredibly corrupt administration who spares no expense at hanging her out to dry. I admire her tenacity, as misguided as it is. I can’t speak to Scott’s “Republican” argument, since I am not one and never will be. But he’s on point when he says that it’s entirely appropriate for Republicans… Read more »
Great discussion,as usual. BTW, “carte blanche” is pronounced “cart blahnsh”.
The only thing that makes sense, keeping in mind that would give Biden undeserved credit if true, would be Bill’s idea that they didn’t want Trump to get the “win”.
There may be another bite of that apple. These bribes, paid political favors, are not just illegal in the USA they are also technically illegal in Ukraine, Russia, etc. Zelenskyy once Biden’s out of office can go after the Biden’s, Both sides Of Ukrainian politics are pissed off at the Democrat party now. Also whoever replaces Putin will likely be pro- Trump and pro-Ukraine so would go after all those that really did collude with Putin. That includes Hillary. If Trump plays his cards well I think Putin’s whole ideology will fall with him taking the Kremlin and Duna down… Read more »
Joe Biden just hung himself with the pardon. Hunter can no longer plead the 5th on questioning about his actions. He can be forced to tell everything he did in all criminal activity. That means Biden has no way of preventing his FULL prosecution. I hope it hangs the ALL!!
Anyone who makes a habit of saying “trust me” or any variation thereof is not trustworthy. Anyone who has to tell you he’s trustworthy isn’t. There’s a reason why he has to make an issue of how trustworthy he is. The reason is whether you do or not he knows he’s not. For someone who is trustworthy it never occurs to them that they need to tell you they’re not lying because they know they’re not and don’t care if you believe them or you don’t. It doesn’t matter what you think, you’re going to find out anyway. “Trust me”… Read more »
Maybe that’s why I never said “trust me” in my memory. However, I have said “Don’t call me a liar” more than once. I do however correct that if I misspoke (which I sometimes do), they misunderstood me, or they apologize as that was not their intent or they misspoke. I make mistakes. And often I go out of my way to admit them, no matter what the consequences. Even more so if I think I won’t get caught if I say nothing. Interesting thing about that is that if i deny doing something, I’m generally am believed. Since I… Read more »
LOL, yes but Harry … You’re coming at it from the viewpoint of a trustworthy person. Because you are and know no different. The Gestapo thing … I don’t think I’d try that. I realize you’re posing a hypothetical for purposes of amplification but as a practical matter — Again, you’re seeing it from the side of a good person being honest. You’re not taking into account that the kind of people who would be in the Gestapo hunting innocent human beings because of their ethno-religious racial status are not even a tiny bit good people and are not going… Read more »
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too. My example about the Gestapo is just that. An example. You are correct, the Gestapo most likely would say “”He admitted to it, lets go.” I actually can think along evil lines. Which is one reason I tread carefully. I once talked to a police detective about a criminal he caught and I said “That was incredibly stupid of him” He then said, somewhat mockingly “What would you have done?” I laid out my plan as I spoke. No pre planning. He then said “We’d never catch you, unless we caught… Read more »
Yeah, I’m fully aware of the evil I could do if I chose to also. That I don’t is one of the things I consider my evidence of Salvation. Being a Christian the Holy Spirit holds me back from that sort of thing pretty firmly.* Which means I’m also fully aware of what evil people are capable of without that restraint. This is one of my major pet-peeves with anti-theists. There really is nothing holding them back but themselves. All that’s necessary for them to do evil is the opportunity and sufficient rationalization to convince themselves they’re actually doing good.… Read more »
Or as the old joke goes, how does a lawyer say “F*** you”?
“Trust me.”