As a planeload of vicious, dangerous, criminal gangsters — everyone of them here illegally — was about to take off, a US Federal judge ordered the aircraft TO TURN AROUND AND COME BACK in order to make sure that these individuals didn’t have any of their legal rights violated! They’re not American citizens and they are repeat criminal offenders! THEY DON’T HAVE ANY LEGAL RIGHTS!
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Holy Cow Scott!!
And now some words from our leftist scold….
Ah ha! My favorite variegated polychromatic crimson-beaked Swedish scolding ogre that lives under electric windmills and eats poor people for attention! Greta the Ghoul, always on the hunt for fresh brains to eat.
I don’t remember which show a clip was from, but some well coifed teleprompter reader was commented to their sane guest that the AEA was a really old law. The come back was (something like) “you know what else is really old that we follow? The Constitution.” I rather agree with Scott on this one, in both the “I want to grant them due process” and also the “but they are not citizens.” They are trespassers, and all we owe them is making sure they are the right people, and they’re lucky to get a plane flight and not force… Read more »
I “think” it was Scott Jennings at CNN schooling that coiffed hostess (ha! I said it!).
Trendy Aqua? Like San Pelegrino or Evian or Perrier?
Imagine being the captain of a massive cargo ship, loaded with 150 containers of cases of San Pelegrino water, and thinking, “Well, now I know who I’m carrying water for”. Let’s find an Artesian Well in these united states, (forget Hawaii, but let’s consider Greenland!) and drink our own water! I wonder if the tiny town of Thermopolis Wyoming has an Artesian well? Let’s ask Steve Green, as his info is always artesanally selected.
russia HAS kidnapped MANY Ukrainian children and Trump, according to the internet, has deleted the organization that is tracking these kidnappings. Is Trump protecting a pedophile like Epstein and why hasn’t Pam Bondi released the list, who is she covering up for? I have lost most of my trust for Trump and his cronies and trump has turned into biden.
You never had any trust in Trump or anyone else. You advocate the nonsensical position that the U.S. Government is illegitimate, powerless corporate vassel of England (or Israel depending on what day it is) and you want to see this “illegitimate” government destroyed. This is what you’re working toward with every comment you post here.
Stop trying to pretend you’re one of us. You’re not fooling anyone except yourself.
Never fails….but he’s regular, so he has that going for him, which is nice…..
I like him. He keeps the barrel comfortingly warm on my idiot shooting word rifle.
Well, one must practice to obtain excellence,
and once obtained, must be maintained. You’ve got it, but rust doesn’t stop.
He helps you keep it oiled, and you so enjoy it.
And I, and others, enjoy good shooting. You are a joy to watch….while eating popcorn🍿
ACTS (TM) interactions are indeed entertaining and educational. But entertaining just when he’s sitting in the Barcalounger….eating popcorn?
In my case I’m watching him using his idiot shooting while eating popcorn. Very entertaining.
I have a slightly off-topic question: On the videos showing these illegal aliens being led off in handcuffs (and maybe leg irons?), they are bent over at the waist.
Is this to hide their faces, or is it to make them more defenseless and easier to move from point A to point B?
They’re shackled with leg and wrist manacles (AKA “handcuffs” in the popular vernacular) and their wrists are bound to a chain around their waist behind their backs that goes down to the leg manacles. When they are moved they are forced by the guards to walk bent over with their torso parallel to the deck. Usually a guard will intertwine an arm in “chickenwing” fashion to aid in controlling the prisoner. This makes them easier to control and gives them less opportunity to launch themselves at their handlers. It’s a brutal, humiliating way to go from point A to point… Read more »
Thank you for the details.
You’re welcome. Look up “frog march”, this is a form of that.
How dare you impugn the intentions of our uninvited guests! 8~)
Those are not people, Scott. They are human shaped animals and should be dealt with by the harshest means possible under our law. Not because they deserve the benefit of our laws, because we need to adhere to our laws lest we become like them. There is no Spark of the Divine in them, it was there when they were born and they have denied, rejected and murdered it. They have willingly committed the unpardonable sin of Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by attributing that which is of Satan to God. They do not believe they need nor do they… Read more »
I’m unqualified and my thoughts are invalid, but they seem to have such soulful eyes, such a pleasant demeanor. So they killed/tortured/maimed a few nuns or whatever. Didn’t God punish their ancestors enough by not letting them discover the wheel?
Lol, well Doc, a man’s gotta know his limitations. (Dirty Harry quote, BTW) Oh they discovered the wheel alright*. They just never developed sufficient brain capacity to put it to use in any productive manner like transportation or agriculture. Mesoamericans made wheeled toys and other trivial, frivolous objects. They had the wheel, they never found a practical use for it. Apparently they were not bright enough to figure out how dang handy the wheels they discovered could be. I don’t know about God’s punishment of these vermin, that’s up to God. If I had a vote, and sadly I do… Read more »
Glad they put the names up at the 39 second mark. I would not have recognized the guy in the larger box.
Wow, Scott! Looks good. But you trimmed it after Backstage and before recording?
Now we have a visual time stamp for whether it is new or old. At least for a time.
We’ll also know which one was done first after the trimming.
If a white-haired toupee is next, along with trimming the sides of the goatee, time to start the countdown to Scott applying to be the next Colonel Sanders KFC.
He looks like Walter White.
If I may respectfully say so, Scott, this is good. I’d grow the top hair back too…but what do I know, I’ve been a near skin-head since I was thirty.
“Ron”, why do you suppose that moustaches get that odd discoloration just below the nostrils? Seems to be a common affect for hairy lips. I’m just hoping our Constitutional Authority (Freedom’s Charter) is ok, looks like he’s losing weight. You ok Scott?
I watched it and didn’t notice the missing beard until someone else mentioned it even though I hated the ZZ Top beard. Different topic I started watching the TSL and Bill referred to doing the Mike Rowe show, I thought he was saying ‘ micro’
Why didn’t we hear right-wing judges calling for “cease and desist” when Biden did unconstitutional cr*p? Not that what Trump is doing is unconstitutional. Surely things like paying off student loans, etc. merited a vocal stand, not just subtle machinations in the background. (Oh yeah, that’s how it’s usually done. Hmmm.)
BTW, how can America just stand by and allow George Soros to accept a Medal of Freedom for his history of work tearing down Judeo-Christian Western Civilization? Was it because Hillary got a medal the same day and that stunned us into a coma?