The Nation of Colombia refused to accept Colombian citizens who had entered the US illegally and committed heinous crimes. That happened while President Trump was teeing up at the third hole. By the eighth hole, Colombia’s socialist president had not only agreed to accept these deportees — he agreed to send his own presidential airplane to pick them up at his expense. Trump did in five holes of golf what the Biden administration would not have been able to accomplish in five months of old-school diplomacy.
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According to the left, we shouldn’t worry about Colombia anyway, in ten years it’ll either be underwater or a desert hellscape. On the other hand, can you imagine the amount of coffee and flowers we could grow in Greenland’s tropical climate?
Oooooooh. That’s why he wants Greenland! Brilliant!
Oh, yeah. Gotta add:
Thank you.
Scott said Trump fell short of the deal with Colombia by not forcing the reimbursement for the operating costs of the 2 military planes that were not allowed to land.
Scott, Scott, Scott. That’s just petty.
I’m big fan!
Yah, not yet tired of winning.
Hey guys. It was a great feat by Trump against Colombia. BUT, Mexico has also refused to allow US planes with deported Mexican criminals to land in Mexico. This is a harder nut to crack because the cartels don’t want their gang members back-they want them to stay in America and conduct their crimes here -and just send the profits back home of course..
Don’t land, just open the doors, they will still be in Mexico!!
Easy solution. Push the criminals out the door while still flying.
Maybe with parachutes? 😏 😉
Without is cheaper though.😁😆
Lol, that’s cold Harry. I like it but the thing is …
When it comes to Mexicans they share something with Canadians. They can be repatriated on foot.
Well, most of the Central Americans can be repatriated on foot, but it’s a really long walk back to Guatemala. But they walked to the US / Mexican border, right?
Yup, they did and the way I see it — Once they’re on the other side of our border where they go from there is their business and none of mine. Maybe if we saved some money and just herded them all across the Mexican border, Mexico would think twice about allowing people to walk across their country trying to get here. Mexico is where they came to the U.S. from, it makes sense to me that Mexico is where they go back to.
Or by catapult!!
Trebuchets have larger load capacity and longer range.
Ok, so I’m a medieval weaponry geek. I own swords, a horsemans spiked flail (often Incorrectly called a morning star) and a war hammer. The war hammer should be my zombie apocalypse weapon of choice.
They can try the new ACME parachutes.
Do you mean the “rapid descent” chutes? You know, the anvils?😏😆
Why do we have to deport people back to where they say they came from if most of them are undocumented? Would it be moral to offload a bunch of liars to impoverished South American or African countries and create more problems for those good people when Canada or Mexico as our moral superiors would be better equipped to care for them? Deportation should mean “Not here. Out. Nearest exit.” In California or NYC? That sucks, get to swimming.
What makes these people think we owe them the sharing of our prosperity and wealth and they owe us nothing in return? Well … I can see where an American President raised and mentored by radical Leftists who goes on a worldwide apology tour asking forgiveness for things we didn’t do — Might have something to do with that. We’re still feeling the negative impacts of Obama’s doctrines. Thank goodness most of those impacts can be negated easily and rapidly by a POTUS who has the will to do so. The fact that Trump has the will and does such… Read more »
This may be the funniest (unintentional?) this you have written here of the many sentences.
So noted with all due respect! Honesty is a lost trait, even when the truth hurts. Maybe especially.
In quite a few cases, the following applies:
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”
In this case the truth is that Colombia needs us a lot more than we need them. I have a particular fondness for Colombian Supremo dark roasted whole bean coffee but there are other very good coffees that don’t come from Colombia. If Colombia is going to be a shit about things I can get by just fine buying coffee produced elsewhere. There are over 50 countries that export coffee. I do not know where they all get their beans, perhaps some of those purchase beans from Columbia and roast themselves. I saw a clip with one of the dipsh#ts… Read more »
This is sadly typical of Leftist arguments … “If Colombia produces coffee and cut flowers and for any reason we do not buy coffee and cut flowers from Colombia then there will be no coffee and cut flowers.” “If President Obama kicks Russia out of Crimea and upholds our military agreement with Ukraine then we’ll have nuclear war that will destroy all life on Earth.” “If voter ID is required to vote then black people won’t be able to vote because everyone knows blacks don’t have driver’s licenses or any form of government ID.” Etc. Um, no, I’ll just buy… Read more »
But if you don’t own up to being a irredeemably bad person, give away everything you have, and go starve in a ditch some brown kid from 3,000 miles away might cry. What kind of monster are you? Don’t get me wrong, if I could I’d be right next to you in that ditch, but I’ve got a lot of work left to do righting the wrongs of human history, my presence is needed. I’d love to spend the next few hours lecturing you on exploitation, overconsumption, systemic racism, and income inequality, but I’ve got a private jet to Davos… Read more »
As I have said many times, this is the “new” religious piety and these “can’t be late or my filet gets cold” types are the new priests of that religion. They profit by their pseudo-religious scams the same as any other religious scams have profited down through history. There is nothing new under the sun, this is the same stuff on a different day. I was watching “Chosen” the other night and as Jesus was rebuking the Pharisees in front of the temple it dawned on my like a light bulb switched on — These people we’re both and all… Read more »
I’ve always half liked Rubio, but it looks like he’s going to thrive in his role as Sec of State.
There is a rumor that Trump was playing with Rubio. Haven’t heard that confirmed but if true that makes it even better. Means Sec State was fully on board with the tactics.
Dude! Good to see you again – I was getting worried about you!
I’ve been wanting to share this with you – Heinlein predicting the future in The Roads Must Roll
Glad to see you back!
Thanks, BB. Be watching everything, just not commenting much. Work and Life sometimes take a higher position.
Those short stories are definitely prophetic. Future History indeed. As Steve Green has said, we seem to be firmly into the Crazy Years.
I caught the full brunt of “Joan of Arc”, older white woman, liberal reasoning last night at my creative writing group. “Not only did that racist felon, demeaner of women get back in the White House, but he breaks up families and sends them by plane to a country he threatens to bankrupt if he can’t dump them there, even when most of them are just brown and not from Columbia in the first place! And you wouldn’t have chicken and other farm goods if there weren’t illegals.” I know how to debate all of these points. I just wonder… Read more »
“The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”
-Ronald Reagan
When one’s hobbies include the avoidance of improving one’s critical thinking skills in spite of any potential to do so, then a community is saddled with the likes of that ‘“Joan of Arc”, older white woman’ who exudes nothing but the liberal reasoning you describe. I think Forrest Gump described such willful ignorance more succinctly: “Stupid is as stupid does” — or says in this case. As for the source(s) of the erroneous information not having yet been “humiliated to the point of insolvency,” we must remember that those in the business of propaganda have no shame and cannot be… Read more »
This cartoon was spot on.
“Here, hold my beer.”
“Adequate economy you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it.”