Ah, the Good Old Days… when the POPULATION BOMB will destroy humanity through overpopulation! That didn’t happen. What IS happening is that there are TOO FEW babies being born, and Steve Green is here to show you steps that governments are taking to get you to increase family size in order to Win Valuable Prizes!
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There was a lot of leftist hand wringing when Trump was president about how “we are literally living in the Handmaid’s Tale”. which is a dysto entertainment franchise where the pro-life movement is taken to the extreme of women being forcibly impregnated to deliver babies. I predict this is likely to happen, but not the way Trump hating leftists think. It will happen in China. They have screwed themselves with the one child policy, their desire for sons over daughters (which is sickening), and their racist immigration policies. They have really f****d themselves demographically and are looking at a slow… Read more »
Elon Musk’s plans are to move a million people to Mars. That operation will ignite the imaginations and prospects for the future for many. It will open, or maybe re-open, a whole new optimistic vision of the future. But, if Trump loses this election (by hook or by crook) Musk will wind up in jail and the future will be very, very dark.
The problem is that women always worked but we have excluded babies and children from the workplace. Women want to work and that is blocked by the work place rules and career progression is interrupted by long maternity leave and child rearing time off. Make work places compatible with crying baby’s, cable chewing toddlers and tweens is the big challenge; and that’s hard. However several high flying female CEO’s all have a reputation for having a crib and play pen in the office. Its a relatively cheap and interesting set of changes to try. Covid working from home proves that… Read more »
Bill the left has solved their school problem with illegal immigration. Those kids butts’ are now filling those empty seats and the teachers unions’ couldn’t be happier.
It has been my opinion that you can find the general trend of society by the pop culture. In the 1940s, 50s, and into the 60s, science fiction was primarily what I call “expansionist” – a bigger version of the United States where the future society kept pushing the boundaries. Large, shiny spaceships, Faster-than-light travel, multi-planet empires… Asimov, Heinlein, Roddenberry, and others gave us a future that was worth populating. Baby Boomers and their parents, to a certain point, grew up with an excitement about the future. Fast forward into the 1970s and 1980s and we see the rise of… Read more »
Harris wants more births? Huh? Clearly, she wants more abortions (antithesis of birth). She and other elites want LESS population, not more. Folks like Klaus Schwab and Gates (et. al) want the global population to be on order 500,000 total. So all you sheeple & lemmings out there, get ALL the jabs, and eat the GMO modified crops Gates will be feeding you (look it up). Also, let’s drop CO2 to a point where we AGAIN get Snowball-Earth, followed by global crop failure, pestilence, war and death. Hungry? Eat bugs, or starve. On a side note: I wonder when does… Read more »
Love the reference to Robert Heinlein. He was very pro-family. I only had 3 kids, I was one of four but ,my wife was one of eight.
I to am concerned with the declining birth rate. But it this something government should do? I fear it can and will become just another way for government to control us. What say you. other Whittlers?
In almost all circumstances, when the federal government tries encourage or lessen something, bad unintended consequences occur.
Even when what they are trying to do something positive.
And yes, often, but not always, control is the whole point.
Talks like this make me sad that Bill doesn’t have a little Whittle.
Perhaps he needs a pocket knife so he can whittle a little Whittle.
Have you seen his woman? Give it time….