Eighty-six years after Orson Welles started a panic with his War of the Worlds broadcast, Unidentified Flying Objects are in the air over Grover’s Mill — and the rest of New Jersey as well. Countless drone sightings have the public up in arms: are they Iranian spy drones, radiation-sniffing US Government assets; a small group of hobbyists in on a prank of some other unknown phenomenon? One thing seems more and more certain: the US Government knows EXACTLY what they are and the fact that they have elected not to disclose this to the American people is more worrisome than the drone swarms themselves.
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Being a UFO Researcher and historian (The Saucer Fleet) I observe we are at a stage two hysteria level promoted by mass media coverage.
No answer will satisfy the commentators, or local politicians grabbing headlines.
We will suffer this ‘conspiracy’ for sometime until the next wild fad will be promoted by the media.
For a comparable phenomenon, read the history of the UFO effect on the US during the late 1940s and 1950s
We can’t rule out this is someone shipping drugs ashore via drones. That has got to be happening somewhere.
Also the Ukrainian intelligence should be keeping an eye by day and night on Russians in New York and New Jersey. There is a correlation with Russian expatriate populations and family members of the oligarch’s in the USA. By day its easy to do with a few people. By night it favors surveillance drones. I doubt any Russians will have unfortunate accidents with exploding scooters in the USA.
NJ & San Diego sightings seem to be costal (ship borne)? Don’t much care what the excuse du jour is for NOT disclosing what is in our skies. If it were over my neck of the woods, the hunting rifles (30-06) w/scopes would all be out – in force. I’d bet that these would be shot at until brought down, one after another, until ‘someone’ finally weighs in what they are (or are not). If they are gubMINT drones, all they have to do is say “they’re ours, we’re testing or looking for some thing/one”. As gubmint (apparently) does not… Read more »
I’m a little uncertain of the wisdom in advocating illegal actions on the site but I get your point.
Same problem on New Years over at Zamperini in Torrance, maybe not so intense. Slightly less gunfire in Torrance/Lomita/San Pedro than Compton but still way more than too much.
I hated living in the Soviet Socialist Repooblik of Kalifornia and left a decade and a half ago. Every day I give a prayer of thanks that I don’t live there anymore and that where I live now is so, so much better.
Has there ever been this low a level of trust in governmental spokespeople? Certain individuals are known to have been hired as professional obfuscaters. Secretary of State, FBI, Press Secretary, Border Csar, …, you name it, nobody trusts anything they say.
Fair points. I just wish you guys had addressed the drones that had been hovering near bases and were following the Coast Guard ships
Steve’s so right that people in power have historically used distractions to take away from the reality of real damage they were doing behind the scenes. Little things like, say, the management of the downfall of Western Civilization are hidden behind walls of “Drag Queen Story Hour”.
I see the Drag Queen Story Hour as more of a symptom of a far greater cultural rot
Yeah, in the same way a fired bullet is to a gunfight. It’s a symptom of a greater issue but it’s also detrimental and dangerous all on its own merit.
Nasa has a project with full authorization, mapped air corridors and a web site for drone testing is the area. It runs from bases in New Jersey to Delaware. This is to test the drones, air traffic control technology for drone corridors and take off and landing systems. There is a dozen companies under the NASA umbellar. This is fully documented. https://www.nasa.gov/mission/aam/ NASA and the companies have probably been sending emails to the relevant people saying “its us” for a week but I suspect most have not been read yet and some are in the spam folder. Most government entities,… Read more »
You’re probably right about email flow through bureaucratic systems, that makes perfect sense. However, I looked over the NASA AAM link you provided and a quick scan of the website shows no indication of a designated testing area or mapped air corridor. It’s just the usual NASA “Look how wonderful we are” low value gloss. The nearest thing to a designated testing area would be at Griffiss International Airport and that’s in upstate New York. Which is up by the Finger Lakes and a long way from New Jersey. If you can provide specific information from a reliable source about… Read more »
Yes the map page has been taken down. I saw that page a few years ago and it had more details. I suspect with drones in the Ukraine war someone’s realized that perhaps some of this stuff needs to be more classified. I tend to agree.
Up date the flight time on the NASA and air force program don’t correlate with the drone sightings. Both organizations are saying, today, its not us.
The email problem seems to be still there though.
So our government is quick to shoot down foreign airborne craft?
Like the Chinese spy balloon?
“A person is smart, people are stupid”…Agent K…
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”― George Carlin
While it might be government drones looking for something it is definitely not nuclear warheads they’re looking for. Nuclear warheads are highly shielded. You have to be right next to them to detect radiation above the ambient. That’s why aircraft loading and missile maintenance crews can be close to those weapons for protracted periods of time without suffering ill effect. Radiation follows the inverse square law. If there was an improvised or compromised warhead leaking radiation sufficient to be detected by a drone in flight anyone on the ground near it would be getting pretty sick pretty quick. It would… Read more »