By declaring in his Second Inaugural Address that henceforth the U.S. Government will recognize only two biological genders — male and female — Donald Trump has pulled the plug on the political strategy of using regular Americans’ sense of sympathy and fair play against them.
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What’s scary about all this is that this nonsense actually worked on a large number of people. Not, as it turns out, a majority but there was still a numerically significant part of our population who was willing to rush headlong into a blatant and obvious deception. This why our system of government is so important. People’s minds can be swayed so far from reality that it seems incomprehensible to the rest of us and no, Scott, this has nothing to do with your dotage. The dangers of a pure democracy as as obvious today as they were to the… Read more »
I’ll bring up Star Trek, not TOS, but TNG this time. “There are four lights”. I don’t remember the episode name but …
The Star Trek TNG writers got that from George Orwell’s 1984 and in the original book it was fingers not lights. I went to a little podunk rural school that had some fantastic teachers. I didn’t realize how fantastic they were until long after I was out of school. One of the greatest gifts my high school English teacher, Betty Allan, gave me was sharing her love for literature. She and the other English teachers would give me a book and then when I’d read it discuss it with me. Among those books were Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984. Thank… Read more »
The episode was “Chain of Command” Very powerful show and Patrick Stewart was incredible!