All I Want for Christmas is Greenland

Former Troll-in-Chief and current Troll-Elect Donald Trump has jokingly called for the annexation of Canada… but less jokingly referred to the possible annexation of Greenland as being very firmly in America’s strategic interest. Is this a pipe dream or could we finally add another state for the first time in SIXTY-FIVE YEARS?

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James Rather
January 3, 2025 12:53 PM

Off topic. How many of us are unhappy with ads placed inside the topic of discussion. A total nuisance as far as I’m concerned. I admit ad revenue is needed, but not to break up a discussion like it now happens.
December 26, 2024 4:30 AM

In regard to the idea of annexing the middle of Canada-I am a Canadian and American and I live in Quebec, so I would like that we keep the portion of the country that assists in maintaining some salience of conservatism 🙂 I am hopeful in seeing the obvious culture shift that a possible upcoming regime change in the Canadian government can at least halt our apparent downward decline economically and politically. I hear quite frequently the disdain that Americans generally have for French Canada, and though I understand as I am not happy with the overall socialist culture either,… Read more »

Gearhead IN SPACE
December 25, 2024 7:46 PM

Guys, this is fun but lower your expectations a little bit. Al I want for Christmas is for Trump to make California the 50th state.

Brother Bob
Reply to  Gearhead IN SPACE
December 26, 2024 6:41 AM

It would be far easier to make Greenland a state

Reply to  Gearhead IN SPACE
December 26, 2024 9:55 AM

I’d be just as happy to see a wall built around Kalifornia. That place didn’t get the way it is now by accident. The people of Kalifornia made it that way, willingly and knowingly. Through the free exercise of their political will and the process of Democracy. Applied by a majority of the citizenry. I fled that place nearly 15 years ago and my sincere opinion is that they’ve made their bed and should be required to lay in it. Having their faces then rubbed in the consequences of their terrible choices until they finally repent of the error of… Read more »

Brother Bob
Reply to  ACTS (TM)
December 26, 2024 5:18 PM

A critical step of making them feel the pain is removing Illegal Aliens from the census count. As for the wall, If you haven’t read Kurt Schlichter’s Civil War series about what America might look like if the Democrats decide to start another Civil War I highly recommend. An early line that sucked me in was the protagonist listening to news on the radio and heard about how Mexico was demanding that California pay for the border wall that Mexico was constructing to keep out all of the Californian refugees

Reply to  Brother Bob
December 27, 2024 10:52 AM

Just a minor quibble but we need the means to enumerate the illegal aliens feloniously existing in our country and the U.S. Census is a mechanism to accomplish that. The issue is congressional apportionment, which is a ruleset applied to determine the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives. There are other factors besides raw population that determine apportionment but population is the major aspect. The decennial census is required by the Constitution. HOW the census is conducted is up to Congress to determine. While it would be unwise not to count every single body here legally or not,… Read more »

Wesley Bruce
December 25, 2024 5:40 PM

Most don’t know that during WW2, because Denmark was enslaved by the NAZI’s, the US and Canada controlled Greenland. Half of the infrastructure was built in that period. Actual battles were fought on the shores. The Danish king still had representatives there but he was a refuge in England. After the war it was handed back in a small ceremony. However this is not about owning Greenland. Denmark spends more on the ice covered island than it does on defense. If the country is to meet its NATO commitment and close the Baltic gates to Russia it needs money, lots… Read more »

Dan B
December 25, 2024 1:05 PM

US Military presence on Greenland is not something new.
We used to have two bases in Greenland, Thule Air Base and Sondrestrom Air Base.
Sondy is closed now but Thule is still open, renamed Pituffik Space Base. (Knowing GIs as I do, I hate to think of the nicknames they’re coming up with for Pituffik.)

Reply to  Dan B
December 26, 2024 9:37 AM

… reverse the “u” and the second “i” and you get the common unofficial slang name of the base used by those who serve there. It’s actually pronounced “bee-doo-feek” but that never stopped a GI from getting creative.

Mike Case
December 25, 2024 8:57 AM

Merry Christmas!

Rich Ouellette
December 25, 2024 8:40 AM

Interesting topic, also covered by Aviation Week: Melting Ice Is Spurring Strategic Competition in the Arctic (subscription?). Similar articles exist like Melting Arctic ice opens new front in strategic power competition. In 1935, a former U.S. Army officer and World War I veteran named Billy Mitchell pleaded with the House Committee on Military Affairs to take seriously the strategic importance of Alaska. In the nine decades since his resignation from the Army, Mitchell is better remembered for being court-martialed for insubordination as he advocated for increased airpower in the military. But as a civilian, he told lawmakers: “I believe .… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Rich Ouellette
Bart Lago
Reply to  Rich Ouellette
December 25, 2024 5:22 PM

The deal would be $10 billion without DC; $30 billion with DC.

Wesley Bruce
Reply to  Rich Ouellette
December 25, 2024 5:49 PM

Except the melting ice has been debunked. Its a known 20 year ice cycle with thicker ice alternating, actually blowing back and forth, between the Russian and Canadian coasts. Also as the Alaskan mining companies point out the thicker the ice the easier it is to set up a surface base and send robots down to do the actual mining. Putin and his people lie about almost everything including the artic resources. They need it because they have stuffed up everything else up.

Phil LeMay
December 24, 2024 12:45 PM

When Trump’s representative asked for the Denmark government minister’s position on the proposal, he replied, “Greenland? Is that a real place?”

Brother Bob
Reply to  Phil LeMay
December 26, 2024 6:43 AM

The same could be said about Canada’s Governor.

Rich Ouellette
Reply to  Brother Bob
December 28, 2024 8:34 AM

Hopefully, trolling aside, the new ‘govahnator’ could/should be “The Great One”, none other than Wayne Gretzky.

Maryanne Sheryka
December 24, 2024 12:15 PM

Merry Christmas to all!