With Butch and Sunny back on earth with their hibernation cells fully intact, and with DOGE cutting government waste hither and yon, it’s time to take a cold, hard look at our once-beloved NASA and see what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong.
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Here is a video of Destin of “Smarter Every Day” on YouTube. He posted this 1 year ago. I did post it at BW then, but now with this Right Angle, it’s actually more timely. If you know SmarterEveryDay, you know. Destin’s a youngish guy, but no slouch of an engineer. He was invited to speak at NASA a year ago and this video shows Destin kind of embarrassing the NASA decision makers, subcontractors, top management. Now I know Bill, Steve never read the comments so I won’t even bother asking them to try for once to watch this. They… Read more »
Next, The New and Improved NASA Way!
First the Apollo way
I need to start the petition to Plant the Texas Flag On Luna!!
Just put the “capsule” in the cargo bay of the Starship!! In fact, that might be a viable way forward with the repurposing of the agency that Bill proposes. I see a cassette of small boosters, carried in the cargo bay of Starship that, when deployed, separate into individual probes and launch from orbit on their assigned missions. The boosters carry the probes to their proper trajectory and imbue them with sufficient Delta-V to escape orbit and begin the mission. Think of the science we could accomplish, cost effectively. Lidar mapping of All the planets, Landings on Venus, Mercury, Pluto!… Read more »
Love the look Scott. Finally, no longer a “unhoused” look LOL!!!! Love the shows!! Even 2001 used a “space station” as a way to send a craft to the Moon for a larger footprint.
Not A Serious Agency
Never Any Secure Adventures
Nobody Advances Serious Attempts
Nonsense Alaways Seems About
Noone Advances Science Aptitude
C’mon guys (and gals), help me out here. My best so far imo is my first one.
Near Astronomical Spending Allotments
Nebulous Allocations Spent Arbitrarily
Nonsensically Advocating Scientific Adventurism
Nature Abhors Silly Aspirations
Never A Sensible Attitude
Not All Spacecraft Available
Like your first one best. Wish I had thought of it.
Lol …
Need Alternative Space Access
Nothing Approaching Serious Aptitude
Never Advance Scientific Achievement
(you can swap out the last two of the above as well, if we were playing Boggle…)
Nobody Advocates Stupidity Absently