It really has to be seen to be believed, but California Governor Gavin ‘We’re gonna build L.A. 2.0 baby!” Newsom has started his own PODCAST. Could there be a WORSE format for a walking $800 haircut than an hour or so of unstructured talk? No. No there could not.
PS: Do not look directly at his hands!
Listen here on Soundcloud:
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The real reason for Gavie’s hand motions and facial expressions: He is always ready for the cameras. How often do you see photos of people blinking or looking asleep, (and not just Joe Biden)? Gavie is always ready for the photographers, so they get an action shot. He looks like he is going 100 miles and hour, when he is actually at a dead stop.
Gavin was watching John and Olivia in Grease 50 to many times. Hand Jive!
Can’t wait to call him Crazy Ex Governor.
Damn, Bill. That thumbnail put me off my feed! He’s always looked unnerving, but that’s just nightmare fuel…
LOL!!! Good intro Steve
Some of that almost looked like sign language.
No offense meant Bill, well maybe a little, but how in the hell can Cornyafellons keep voting for these pinheads…Newsom, Harris, Pelosi, Swallowwell, Shiftless, et al? I guess it’s happening in Old Pork (excuse me New York) too.
Thad, as a fellow Cornyafellon, I can answer that. It’s been a magnet for crazy since the summer of love, 67, Haight-Ashbury, LSD, Agnews State hospital shut down. There are so many more of The Crazy than Us. We’ve got most of the land, but they have all of the Crazy. It’s impossible to see that it’s going to get anything but worse. I’m about to retire, I inherited the home I was raised in. The built here in 1958 when there was no Crazy. I have 3 daughters and our goal is to leave the house to them when… Read more »
Failure at ASL also. This guy can’t do anything right beyond smiling (sneering) and talking (flatulence).
When you put up a picture like that; Please pixelate it.
Tyrus said it best about the hand jestures. “Looks like he trying to negotiate with a deaf hooker”