The flurry of executive orders signed by Donald Trump in his first 100 hours in office have astonished and thrilled conservatives all around the world. Has so much activity distracted from President Trump’s core messaging, or is there just so much winning to be done that the flurry of activity IS the message?
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Q:Too much messaging? Why the rush?
A: In 2 years they can cheat again.
(…it’s who counts the vote).
Much cheaper than attacking the Pentagon; fund the US Left as their troops.
Meanwhile, the Right (voter/spectator) is sitting back down, because they won D-Day.
On a tangent, the NeXT computers were great. In the late ’80s while I was in college, the college was a beta site for a few NeXT computers we got to play with. They were the first computers that could multitask by having multiple programs running at once. It was a sharper operating system than what Microsoft had at the time. Someone figured out they could rip CDs and store them on a NeXT computer. for some reason, it could only store a song that was less than 10 minutes long; that is how I know the live version of… Read more »
I think Biden started every day with “E pleb neesta.”
He’s a Coom. “E pleb neesta” is as anathema to him as holy water is to a vampire.
Two things come to mind.
First, somebody on Trump’s team was keep track of all the junk that Biden was piling up, And so, he had a whole list of stuff that simply had to be rescinded, and redirected.
Second, Trump has learned from Obama of a technique called “flooding the zone”. You do enough stuff that they simply cannot fight it all.
Is Elon’s SpaceX style of Iterative Innovation what Bill is trying to describe? It works for Spacex.
Rock-em Sock-em Robots approach. The “Sugar Ray Leonard” style flurry of hits that the opponent (the media) can’t defend. I don’t care, Margaret. Keeping the media and activists on their heels and backpedaling is a tactic. What Trump is not doing is line extension like Apple did.
Scott’s peroration was awesome!
I agree with Scott’s last comment but I will take a slightly different approach to what Trump is doing. Unlike a business, although the analogy works at some levels, the actions of government leave no choice to citizens. It is essential to clear the obstacles which can be cleared in order to deal with the opponents in Congress over whom his authority is restricted. He also must have general support in Congress, even from some Democrats at times. His message has been very clear: the average American of any stripe now is the main focus of all he does. The… Read more »
It’s harder to organize virtue signaling against a barrage of issues. The mainstream media and the left, but I repeat myself, do better one “starving puppy” picture at a time to appeal to our “humanity”.
The is true. The way to thwart something that is attracted to bright, shiny objects is to give it too many baubles to choose from. The Leftist legacy media can’t hammer on something for days because the next news cycle there’s an even more appealing target. One time when I was duck hunting over a wild rice paddy the air was filled with thousands of ducks. Most of them moving through shotgun range at some point. I aimed at one, then saw a better shot, then a better one, etc. Finally I gave up and just picked the biggest drake… Read more »
Perfect story to describe what’s happening with the media and Trump.
Likely why one of the Rules for Radicals is to “freeze the target, personalize it, yada yada”. Avoids decision paralysis.
Instead get into their OODA loop. Chop off the ‘DA’ part with constant new ‘OO’.