Among the many, many things revealed by the 2024 presidential election, most prominent among them must be the revelation that the Main Stream Media is no longer mainstream at all, and is, in fact, an irrelevancy. After four years of non-stop shrieking, whining, threatening and lying the People rejected their narrative by the greatest margin in almost two generations and their loss of power to control society is not something they are taking particularly well…
The Outsiders are inside the temple! And it’s too late to lock the doors!
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I think the reason the “Main Stream Media / MSM” is so upset is because we know they are N.O.T. Media (Narrative Over Truth Media).
Steve notes journalism’s coin of the realm, its credibility: “If your mother says she loves you, check it out!” But for a couple of decades now, the MSM has preferred the other side of that coin: “Some stores are just too good to check out.”
Joe said we’d need tanks and F-15s. Elon said HA HA!
Very timely “lunatics” comment, Bill. This morning on “Outnumbered” they were discussing threats made against Trump appointees. Two women appointees have received bomb threats. Your typical leftist woman haters. IMO EVERY talking head from EVERY tradition and cable news service should be immediately cuffed and stuffed. Locked up in orange jumpsuits until they can prove beyond any doubt they are capable of reporting NEWS, not OPINION, and calming down the wasps nests they’ve stirred up in this nation. From “A” to “Z” they need to be removed from the public sphere. They’ve stirred up 10 years or more of “kill… Read more »
Same type of situation in the education bureaucracy. I recall watching video of a Congressional hearing where the ‘educator’ opined that parents are insufficiently qualified to raise their children because they don’t have the benefit of the vast stores of knowledge that can only be accessed by professional educators. The good news is that during COVID, average parents got the courage to push back in a big way on the elitists. There’s been discussion of eliminating the Dept. of Education, and hopefully they can make a big dent in it. We shall see!
whaaaah, whaaah, sob, sob … Yes, these guys demand cheese with their Whine. As stated, the MSM have become Narrators not Journalists. Anybody can read (or invent) a scripted narrative based on minuscule data snippets. I’ve not watched networks (e.g., ABC, NBC, CBS, MSN, CNN) nor read any print media from left-wing ‘news papers’ now – for years. Even the news rags (labeled as ‘centrist’) are usually closet fascists, socialists, or communists, lying in wait to be released & pounce. Reminds me of Indiana Jones: Belloq: You and I are very much alike. Archaeology Journalism is our religion, yet we… Read more »
I’ve been paying attention to Bill Whittle for 12+ years, a Big Fan… this is a Perfectly Awesome piece! In every way, it’s the true middle-finger poke in the eye the MSM deserves. God bless you!
There’s so many resources out there in today’s world that make it easier to become proficient at something. Journalism is one of the easiest to learn. (Electrical engineering is not.) DEI is hard to learn because it is so anti-common sense, with meritocracy sacrificed for pity and guilt. Creative writing is surprisingly difficult, but given certain rules and a creative mind is not beyond many of us. Becoming proficient at a musical instrument takes time, practice, and you still need to have an innate gift to get to the level of mastery. But there are iconic popular songs that took… Read more »
Chemical Engineering is not easy either.
Ok, for me it wasn’t that bad, but I’m a geeky nerd. And I did work hard at it, and when they put me into programming, I found it relatively easy and worked hard at it too. (Liked it better, and wasnt nearly as dangerous)
Most of what I’m good at I learned before the internet existed, but I have learned some things.
And will go there again if need be.
Harry – Chemical engineering for you was relatively easy I think because you enjoyed it. I enjoyed learning about things light flight envelopes and Bernoulli’s equation and fluid dynamics and heat transfer. (yep, major geek!) Couldn’t give two rips about covalent bonds or printed circuit boards. The trick is finding something that you enjoy that you are good at and can pay the bills with. I was a decent sax player in HS. But I never had the passion for it that some of my friends did who are professional musicians. One young lady grew up to be a conductor… Read more »
Yup. Easy because I enjoyed it.
Even more so for programming. I once spent over a month programming a TRS80 Model 3 in basic to make a game aid for a board game called Star Fleet Battles. If you think Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Gorns, etc trying to shoot each others ships down, you are on the right track. Sort of took a tactical game and added strategic elements.
Man, I miss those days.
And by the way, Chemical Engineers use Bernoulli’s equation too.
Bari player for decades. Were you a tenor? One of the coolest experiences in my life was being a founding member of the Emory University Jazz Ensemble before they had a real music department. It got so big that they now have a huge department with a world-renowned conductor/composer/performer and yearly famous Jazz Weeks. They brought us back and honored us a year ago. We were just kids and didn’t know what we’d started.
Tenor last two years, bari as freshman and sophomore. We had a couple guys ahead of me that were really good, so I got that low parts. Loved jazz ensemble, but didn’t have the passion to keep doing it in college.
Still sing with the local symphony chorus though. That keeps my juices flowing for music.
I almost wrote chemical engineering, but it brought up too many bad memories. Electrical engineering was so foreign that it hurt less. The point I was trying to make was the democratization of knowledge we’ve been gifted by the ability to bring up lessons in anything we want makes things like journalism something most can do.
I understood your point, but couldn’t resist. Believe it or not, where I got my degree chemical engineers had to take one course that electrical engineering students had to take. I found it interesting. Someday i need to post a blog here about my meeting Dr Henry Heimlich, of Heimlich manoeuvre fame. Nice guy. When he found out i was studying chemical engineering he said “that’s an exacting field” i responded “So is law and medicine, but we use a lot more math” and he chuckled. I was at a party celebrating his son, who i knew from church, getting… Read more »
We called the one EE class that we all had to take Electrical Engineering for Non-Believers.
It’s ironic as I have spent almost all of my career working in mfg locales that are driven by electrical engineers.
Us chemical engineers also had to take one engineering course for mechanical and metallurgical engineering. No nuclear engineering there, so that left only civil and aerospace engineering. And for nine years, aerospace was taught by Neil Armstrong. Yes, that Neil Armstrong.
I liked electrical best and metallurgical the least.
Did you go to Perdue?
I was at NASA in 86 and roomed with a Perdue AE. Damned if I can recall his name now.
No, I did not go to Perdue. University of Cincinnati.(UC) You may have gotten the idea that Armstrong taught at Purdue from Bills excellent “Apollo 11 what we saw” post. That was wrong. He graduated from Purdue, but taught Aerospace Engineering at UC. See below link for more info. Bill also said more than once that Armstrong died of natural causes. Ooops again. A typical search shows he died of “complications following heart surgery” True, but not the whole truth. See link below. The paper got the info and felt they had to report it, but the family wanted… Read more »
The funny part is that the louder they scream they more they affirm that we Normals get it & they don’t.
When a pothead comedian can conduct a more professional interview than an accredited “journalist” you’d think that they’d take the hint. Maybe a journalist should investigate…
This attitude in the media and academia toward us plebes is a long-standing cancer and it has been that way for decades. I have a memory from 30 years ago or more that illustrates this: Our former mayor Roger Hedgecock had a long running radio show here in San Diego (when I first started listening the lineup here was Roger, Rush, and Michael Reagan). Later he did a lot of guest-hosting for Rush and eventually had a short-lived national radio show. During the time that his local show ran he arranged vacation trips for fans and would have guest hosts… Read more »
You were witnessing the sprouting seeds of a noxious, toxic weed that would choke off its whole industry. While this fed the vanity and self-delusionment of those who carefully nurtured that weed, I’m a little surprised it took as long as it has to kill its host. Not only do I have no sympathy for these self-victimized sufferers of self-inflicted mortal wounds — I find it highly entertaining that they have gone so far into their own navels they don’t even realize what they’ve done to themselves. If objective truth were something they still had any contact with at all… Read more »
Actually I don’t think that they will even care if they lose in the end – at least as far as changing their opinions of us. For one thing, based on my uncomfortable encounters with these “true believers” in my own family and workplace in the past, they will insult you even if you are otherwise friends and not think it’s wrong, and if you disagree with some non-sequitur argument or insistent assertion of (easily disprovable) “facts”, they will just get angry and say that by making the assertion they have already disproved all of your arguments and will just… Read more »
No, I think you’re right about caring or not. I certainly hope they don’t care and keep doing what they’re doing. That house of cards is falling fast. The crash is all the sweeter if the cards don’t see it coming. Prime opportunity for nose-rubbing. Yours is a splendid example of humble-bragging-hate-pity in application. Which is of course a well crafted trap, obviously, because it snared someone with sufficient native intelligence to become a medical doctor. It’s naked aggression intended to shut you up by shocking you into silence. It’s the conversational equivalent of drawing a gun. I shoot back… Read more »