Steve Green takes us on a fond trip down memory lane as we recall both the low and lower points of one of the most miserable Presidential campaign ever foisted upon Our Grand Republic.
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And let’s not forget Tampon Timmy, Dudes for Harris, and all of the cringe gimmicks they thought they’d get young me to vote Dem. My favorite might have been having Barry O scolding black men into voting. What was it with this ticket and trotting out closeted gay men to promote them?
There are so many things the Dems did wrong – pushing Biden* out without anticipating that he’d kneecap them by endorsing Coupmala before they could airlift in their preferred candidate. I’m guessing they wanted either Lizard King Gavin or Big Mike. Then after their big convention bounce her incoherent policies chipped away at her support while Trump’s only grew. My favorite exploding cigar she lit might have been feeding the press the phrase of the week “Trump has dementia!” Not the best idea to call people’s attention to the reason Biden* was forced off the ticket. And now the early… Read more »
Michelle Obama was never going to be the candidate.
As much as Big Mike was always too lazy to want to be President, I think their lust for power would have pushed her to run to be their figurehead. Look how well it worked for Biden*. Until it didn’t.
I think she could have been pushed to do enough of the figurehead formalities as long as Barry O’s staff ran the country for her
I’m enjoying the suffering of the insufferable. (Stolen from Klavan)
LOL! I lost a “y” chromosome watching Walz backed up by “Dancing Queen”.
My existential dread on election night was wonder at how many millions voted for the idiotic policies and candidates of the opposition. The winning (D)candidate for senator in Arizona is insanely awful at his policy goals. Is Kari Lake(R) really that bad?
Kari Lake will never win an election for as long as Gov. Abortion Mouse is overseeing elections in that state
Not all prostitutes are paid in cash. Kamalameleon is just the kind that takes her remuneration in a different form. In her case it’s political gain rather than illicit cash payments that have to be laundered and accounted for. Political gain pays a LOT better and even conveys an air of pseudo-respectability. Note that while she started out as nothing but a very crafty “sex worker” she has other things to sell than just her anatomy. As she morphed from common guttersnipe to political prostitute she exploited all her wares to the fullest. This makes her the highest priced form… Read more »
I said something remarkably similar to your first paragraph weeks ago on The Daily Wire and the post got deleted and I lost my status as ‘top commenter’.
Maybe Klavan is as nefarious as Bill says after all?
LOL, I suspect that Klavan had nothing to do with it. I’m fairly certain he agrees with me though he will probably say it different and more prosaically.
Klavan gave me the ‘insufferable’ quote. The people quieting offensive posts at the Daily Wire censored me.
The moderators of both the Daily Wire and PJ Media are not employees of either organizations. this is one of the big things both need to fix.
Yeah, that’s another of the reasons I’m here. I can say what I think is right and Bill & Co. are not interested in censoring anything to make it more politically correct. If that changes, I’m outta here because this will no longer be a Conservative bastion of free speech. Anyone who doesn’t like what I say is free to say so themselves. Anyone who takes down what I say because they don’t like it or are afraid of it is not a friend of Free Speech no matter what side they’re on. There are things that should be taken… Read more »
As to why Kamala chose Walz as her VP to be.
Ever since Obama, Democratic VPs were chosen to make the president look smart and competent by comparison. And/or assassination insurance
Biden to Obama. ok Obama knew what he was doing. Stay with me here
Kamala to Biden. Works here.
Walz to Kamala. Works here. Shapiro would have obviously been better than Kamala.
Choice explained!😏😉
I’ve been saying the same for a while now. God forbit if something happened to Coupmala & Tampon Timmy became Pres. Which member of The Squad would be VP?
Shapiro would have been smarter than her.
Poll takers did not understand that most people do not tell them their true views when if doing so will instill negatives.
There may also have been a fair amount of trying to speak the world into existence on the part of the pollsters as well.
I have to wonder in our age of thinning privacy and online data mining how many people suspect that what they say may not be held in strict confidence too. As the Left demonized everyone else including many of their own they have driven people to a strong reluctance in sharing their actual position. If they think that doing so can come back on them, they won’t. No doubt the pollsters also want to exert influence to keep themselves relevant and have an effect that just tabulating numbers won’t provide them. Then there’s the demonization of any pollsters that don’t… Read more »
Whenever I get a poll on what issues matter most to Democrat voters I always give the most extreme, unpopular positions. I did my part help them believe that pushing transsexualism in schools is a winner.
Beavis and Butthead could have run a better campaign than Harris and Walz. They would have been more qualified too.
No, seriously. Imagine Beavis and Harris are in a primary debate and the moderator asks about healthcare. Beavis may give an answer involving firecrackers in unmentionable places, but there’s a segment of the democrat base that insists they have a right to that.
The Great Cornholio is more articulate than Coupmala
My wife was panicky the whole night. I was remarkably calm. Watching the returns looked really good to my engineering brain. Couldn’t believe Fox didn’t call many races much earlier. GA and NC were clear and Decision Desk HQ called them around 1030. At that point I was good. I knew we didn’t have enough votes in VA to be Fairfax and Alexandria, but when Harris was underperforming Philly by 5 points, I popped open the good scotch.
My buddy and I were watching the election here as we have done for the last 3 Presidential elections. We had a bottle of good bourbon as yet unopened standing by in hope. We kind of had the attitude that while we were pretty confident we didn’t want to jinx anything. As the night wore on it became more and more obvious we were going to open that bottle and we got more and more irritated with Fox. At the point where there was no denying the results they still had not yet made the call(s). Being as we vowed… Read more »
People still watch Fox? I spent a few hours handing out GOP sample ballots here in The People’s Republic of Arlington. Had a short visit to the Arl GOP’s watch party, and then settled in for the night watching Crowder’s stream while texting a few buddies until I crashed @ 130. I’m glad that earlier that day I installed Rumble on one of the basement TVs – Nick’s “White House Press Secretary” had me laughing so hard I would have woken up the family and gotten myself a butt whooping.
I watched Fox for the election coverage because I wanted up-to-the-minute information and they had the most current. I also had the AP map, NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN on the screens. So the fact that I brought up Fox News isn’t really a recommendation. I rarely watch Fox anymore except occasionally Gutfeld! and The Five. Those I watch, when I watch them, just for entertainment purposes.
Did anyone else notice that Jill Biden wore a red dress to go to the polls and vote? No way that was anything other than an affront to Kamala.
I was wondering to Sister Babe how much of Biden’s* behavior in that last month was his dementia versus how much he was getting back at the party for ousting him. Between his “Garbage” comment and putting on that MAGA hat, up to Jill’s dress it looked like more than stupidity
Given Harris’s record, when she was asked about policy positions, she had to offer “the only winning move is not to play.”
Auto thumbs up for reference to a really fun movie from my youth. I had a huge crush on Ally Sheedy back in the day. Really liked her guest appearances on Psych, too.
Please name that movie. My memory is not quite as good as yours but I truly did have great affection for Ally Sheedy as well in looks and acting ability.
Here’s a hint – “Would you like to play a game?”
… involving conflict.
Too much of a hint?
Paul – I will end your misery. The movie was WarGames from 1983.
The ending has the computer playing against itself in Tic Tac Toe and realizing that there is no way to win – thus the only winning move is not to play.
And 20 year old Ally Sheedy was totes adorable.
Thanks so much for the answer. I didn’t see the movie as I have never been much of a movie goer. That piece of advice, however, was the same thing I used to tell my oldest son who thought he could rebell against the law and still come out a winner. Some folks just have to learn the hard way. Thanks again
There are a number of positions Coupmala took that got her where she did, but none of them had to do with policy.
Knee protection is what springs immediately to mind. She managed to keep her knees serviceable despite the great amount of time she spent on them. There has to be a reason for that.
Was it really a winning move though?