Remember how shocked you were when ‘shocking’ became the cultural norm? Well, we are shocked — shocked! — to report that that particular pendulum may in fact be starting to return toward such now-shocking ideas as ‘civility,’ ‘seemliness’ and even ‘dignity.’
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AMEN to Scott! Parents who mock their own children, or tolerate their children being mocked by others in the parent’s presence, are not parents. They are merely emotional toddlers, themselves, who are trying to build themselves up at the expense of their defenseless children. They are, ultimately, child abusers.
I have NOT been sharing my life since 1990 because I was to busy DOING what it was I was doing to be taking photos
The heavenly host appeared, random shepherds arrived to praise God…and Mary treasured these things, pondering them in her heart.
When there’s a powerful moment to experience, put down the phone.
I legitimately have no idea what you’re talking about with “dignity” or whatnot on this subject. We recently told both of our families that we’re expecting Baby #5 in the middle of next year, and then my wife shared a sweet picture of our kids in Christmas pajamas with an ultrasound pinned to a stocking on Instagram/Facebook. Both of those sites tend to be focused on family/friends and we both have private profiles limited to friends and family. That’s commonplace. It’s a cause for celebration and I have no idea why that would be something to keep extremely private. Seems… Read more »
You’re not who and/or the type of social media user they’re talking about. Not everyone does things the way you do. Also commonplace on many social media platforms are users that don’t bother to or don’t know how to or don’t want to create private profiles limited to family and friends. One of my sons is a recently retired U.S. Naval officer. He was deployed to Naples, Italy for 5 years. It was a PITA for him and his wife to send every family member an email and photos of what was up with them during their deployment. So they… Read more »
Scott, I’m with you, and Bill and Steve! I feel sorry for those folk who don’t seem to have a sense of personal privacy and dignity. Oh, and I’m delighted to recognize your Right Angle segments on Patriot Post – but they need to credit y’all up front (and hopefully pay some sort of royalty).
The only social media account I ever had was Facebook, and I deactivated my account several years ago. I got tired of the constant drama, the time wasted, and the privacy violations. Unfortunately it’s nearly impossible to completely get off of social media because almost everyone I know is still on there posting pictures of me and tagging me. The amount of data people post about their kids online is also disturbing to me. For those of us who grew up in a more “analog” time, imagine if you family photo albums and home videos were multiplied one-hundredfold, and then… Read more »
Back in the ’70s, My sister got a fancy SLR camera. She soon realized she could take pictures of the family moments or be there for the event. You can enjoy the moment or document the moment, you can’t do both.
I know what you mean. My dad was the “family photographer” all during my youth. Granted, he had worked as a professional photographer for years in his past.
We have family albums filled with photos of gatherings, parties, dinners, showing the whole family. Save one. Dad, who was behind the lens.
(he also had a great talent for capturing someone with the fork halfway to their open mouth for posterity!!)
The people who go to concerts and fireworks and watch the event through their phones drive me crazy.
Amen Scott!
Hopefully this trend reversal will also affect the syndrome of people thinking everyone else’s lives are amazing since they only see the pictures of good things happening and not the day to day humdrum or the bad days their facebook “friends” never post.
People post how amazing their lives are on Facebook, and how horrible their lives are on TikTok. Both are dramatizations, and neither seem to promote mental health. (As I sit here typing out my opinions on a different site. Maybe I should go outside for a while… 🤪)
Also the childish egocentric egotistical idea that some of these people have and think “Everything is about me!” What’s fantastic to any given person is generally not so fantastic to the rest of us.
I.E. For someone who’s a mom, dad, grandparent etc. a birth in the family is fantastic. For total strangers it’s “Meh, people have been having babies for tens of thousands of years. So has everything else that walks or crawls or swims. It’s not a big deal.”
Definitely not with Scott on this.. If a bad haircut picture is going to destroy a kids self esteem, he’s never going to make it in the real world.
That ‘bad’ haircut doesn’t have to be shared with the world…
The kid is out in the world..
True, it’s the magnitude and indiscriminate nature of social media that’s the problem. Not the fact that someone might personally see a kid having a bad hair day but the fact that thousands or even tens of thousands who don’t know or particularly care about that kid will see it. Compounding that is the fact that “the internet is forever”. Someone might see that kid personally on the day he had a bad hair day and then forget about it. The internet never forgets. He could easily end up seeing that post of himself at work on someone else’s computer… Read more »